Jason P. Dieterle, DO, MS

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Click here for directions.

Click here for Dr. Dieterle’s hospital and surgery center affiliations.

Dr. Dieterle performs the following surgeries: knee and shoulder arthroscopy, total shoulder arthroplasty including reverse total shoulders and total knee arthroplasty.

Cortisone injections may be repeated every 3-4 months.

Try to avoid high-impact activities or heavy lifting 24-48 hours following your injection. Otherwise, you may perform activities as tolerated. Ice or over-the-counter medications as needed.

If you need disability or FMLA paperwork filled out for time off of work after your surgery you can bring this to any of our clinic locations and this will be given to the care team. You may also fax the paperwork to 763-302-2718 which will go directly to Dr. Dieterle’s care team. Please DO NOT bring your paperwork with you to the hospital or surgery center on the day of your surgery. We ask that you allow for 5 business days for this to be completed and returned.

Dr. Dieterle does participate in the EXCEL Orthopedic Surgery and Recovery Program at the High Pointe Surgery Center.

The EXCEL Orthopedic Surgery and Recovery program is available to patients who generally healthy but have an orthopedic condition that requires surgery that is not typically done as an outpatient. The surgery is done at the High Pointe Surgery Center. There is nursing and medical staff available 24 hrs/day and 7 days a week.  Because the patient is never admitted to the hospital there is a substantial cost savings and a lower risk of hospital acquired infections. This option is particularly attractive for patients who are paying their own bills, employers who are self-insured, worker’s compensation and patients traveling to the U.S. for their medical care because the costs are less than half of what they are in the hospital.

After your Appointment

After a rotator cuff repair you will be required to wear your sling for 4-6 weeks after surgery only taking it off for bathing and physical therapy.

You may remove your bulky bandages two days after surgery. If there are Steri-Strips (white, tape-like strips), leave these in place until they fall off or they are taken off at your follow up appointment.