This letter is to verify my feelings about my recent complete shoulder replacement operation which you did for me on July 16, 2014. I must tell you that this has to be one of the finest pieces of work you have ever done on a shoulder replacement!! I would give you an A++ as a grade for the work you have done on my shoulder!! As of 2 days ago – 2 weeks from my operation – I can do so very much with my right hand, and arm that it is hard to believe. I can dress myself completely, tie my own shoes, button my clothes, eat meals, (can’t cut meat yet), shower, shave, wash my hair with both hands. I have very little pain from my shoulder area, and can only take Tylenol Extra Strength tablets, as I am allergic to Morphine and all its derivatives, which are the generally accepted pain relief tablets. All in all,
Dr. Gulli, as I say again, I am so very pleased with the results of this operation on my shoulder, and want to commend you on such a fine piece of work, and Thank You for doing this great a job on me!!