Nicholas J. Meyer, MD

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October 18, 2023

Burdette G.

I wish to express my deep appreciation for the outstanding medical treatment my son Gavin received from Dr. Nicholas J. Meyer, MD and his fabulous staff.

Six days after my son nearly lost his index and pointer fingers in a horrible snow blower accident, our appointment had been cancelled from under us by another clinic. Gavin and I were devastated, as we both knew he had a very narrow window for hopefully saving his fingers. I spent most of the night googling Top 10 Hand Surgeons in Minnesota and praying to God for guidance and support. Dr. Nicholas Meyer popped up in my search and I prayed he could help us. Immediately the morning of 1/25/23 I called his scheduling assistant Laurie and left her a pleading message and back story regarding my son. Within a matter of time, my cell phone rang and it was Laurie. Bless her heart and the hearts of Dr. Meyer and his entire team. It was a snowy day and Laurie told us to come into the office that afternoon. It was a bit of a drive from where we lived, however, we did not care. We told Laurie we would drive from wherever, we didn’t care, as we were so thankful for their support and understanding of the seriousness of the injury. Although Dr. Meyer had an already overbooked schedule, Laurie made time for Gavin. Dr. Meyer and his team treated Gavin very special and were so kind to him from the second we met.

By the end of our visit with Dr. Meyer we had surgery scheduled for 1/27/23 and again, Dr. Meyer and his team squeezed our son onto his Friday morning surgery schedule. When we left the TCO clinic, we knew we were in good hands and that everything was going to be alright (to the extent it could be). Surgery went smooth, every visit and check-up thereafter went smooth. We were blessed with some follow-up visits with Dr. Meyer’s PA, Jennifer Ellis (whom was also in surgery with Gavin).

The care our son received from start to finish was phenomenal. Dr. Meyer and his team should be so proud of themselves, and also the x-ray team and the team in rehab that made the casts. Everyone was so kind, caring, patient, understanding and professional. Today we celebrate our son’s recovery thanks to this team. We loved each of them, and although thankful for saving Gavin’s fingers, we were sad to say goodbye, knowing (hopefully) that we will not see them again.

October 5, 2022

Anna T.

My first visit with Dr. Meyer yesterday was incredible! He has definitely restored my faith in the medical profession with his incredible bedside manner and his knowledge of Dupuytren’s Contracture. His confidence in his diagnosis surpasses all others and to me, that says it all. Kudos to Doctor Meyer! We need more handsome Dr. Meyers in this world who cares about his patients and medical profession.

April 8, 2019

Janelle N.

As a therapist myself, it was hard to become a patient suddently. But after recreational softball caused me to have several orthpedic injuries in a matter of years (2007 and 2009), I was fully thrown into the role of patient. My first injury was a fractured ulna from a softball that hit the arm I was using to get off the ground after a slide. When Dr. Meyer presented the options of being casted for 8 weeks (with the possibility of still needing surgery) or surgery, I chose to have ORIF surgery so I could be back to work in two days. He helped me get into therapy that Friday for a splint so I could continue my memorial day camping plans and then I was back at work the following Monday (yes with a splint and lifting restrictions)!


I was able to resume softball by August and had a full return of strength and function within 6 months. It was wonderful! Unfortunately, 2 years later at the end of the recreational softball season during the Championship game, a close call at second base caused me to have to lunge back to the base and onto the glove the the short stop execuring a diving tag. I stepped on his glove which was going perpendicular to my direction and felt an instant pop and twist of my knee. Again, as a therapist myself, I knew immediately that I now too had become a knee patient. I didn’t know how severe it was at the time, but I knew it wasn’t great. I got a knee brace and, a few days after this injury, my knee completely gave out on me while getting out of my car and I fell onto the concrete and tragically dislocated my elbow. This would all be tragic enough, had this also not been a week before my wedding. As my husband and I met playing softball, the plan was to play softball at our wedding. Now I have a torn up knee and an elbow that is black and blue from wrist to armpit.


I saw Dr. Meyer for follow up on the elbow and he referred me to Dr. Knowlan and an MRI of the knee. I was able to get through my wedding without crutches and a beautiful knee brace under my wedding dress! I was able to throw out the ceremonial first pitch at our wedding and then pose for some pictures with the teams and ‘batting’ before I excused myself from play. It made for great pictures! The MRI returned and it was a torn ACL, MCL, frayed meniscus, bone chips off the tibia, sprained fibular collateral ligament and surgery would be recommended. I went on my honeymoon with a hinged knee brace and a hinged elbow brace.


Spring of the next year I decided to have the ACL repaired. In the years since the surgeries I returned to playing softball, to prove to myself that I didn’t have a ‘career ending’ injury. In an attempt to take up a safer sport that wouldn’t require so much time off work if injrued, we took up golf and now only sub on softball leagues. In the recent years, I have started running and have run several 5K races and am pleased to report that on the most recent one on April 7th, Goldy’s Run, I had zero knee pain! NONE! On another note, I just got asked to sub on a softball team and am actually considering it despite my bad luck with injuries. This wouldn’t be an option to consider were it not for my wonderful surgeons that put me back together!