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Osteoporosis Case Study #1: Hip Fracture of the Femoral Neck

May 27, 2015 - TCO

Osteoporosis Case Study #1: Hip Fracture of the Femoral Neck

This patient fractured his right hip after slipping on the ice. He is a 70-year-old male who is otherwise healthy. After this relatively minor fall he had the immediate onset of excruciating right hip pain with the inability to walk or even move without severe pain.
male-hip-fracture-s-meisterling partial-hip-replacement-male-s-meisterling
Left: This X-ray shows a fracture of the right femoral neck (arrow).
RightThis injury requires surgery. In this case a hemiarthroplasty, or partial hip replacement, of the right hip was performed.
The surgery provided pain relief and restored the patient’s function and ability to walk.

Click here to learn more about osteoporosis.
Case study submitted by Dr. Steven Meisterling.