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News & Events

December 10, 2019 - TCO

Training HAUS hosts successful Rosemount HS healthcare careers roundtable

Dozens of sophomores, juniors and seniors from Rosemount High School had the unique opportunity to learn all about the different career paths healthcare has to offer.

Inside Training HAUS, powered by TCO, groups of six students rotated every 15 minutes from roundtable to roundtable, each occupied by different TCO employees.

In a fun, casual manner, students learned about roles in Imaging, HR, Finance, Marketing, Athletic Training, Physical Therapy, Sports Performance, Sports Science, and – of course – being a Physician.

Each roundtable of experts discussed how their position works, how they got there and shared important college and career advice.  Students were then encouraged to ask questions, creating a valuable opportunity to engage in constructive dialogue.

On top of leaving with a whole new understanding of healthcare careers, students also received swag bags and a behind-the-scenes tour of Training HAUS.

Thank you to the volunteers who took time out of their days to give back to the community, and to the students for being wonderful guests. The future of our industry is bright!