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October 16, 2019 - TCO

TCO Comeback: Jeff, Retired US Postal Worker

From marathons to triathlons, Jeff spent his younger days as active as possible. Life would drastically change, though, after Jeff injured his back while helping a friend do some home repairs.

As a father, playing with his children became harder and harder and so did delivering mail for the US Postal Service. As years went by, the stiffness and pain kept getting worse, until eventually it was so bad, he was unable to function. Jeff couldn’t even get up on his tip-toes without crashing to the ground.

Finally fed up with the pain, Jeff scheduled a visit with TCO’s Paul J. Crowe, MD, who he had known for the past 30 years. In a direct but reassuring manner, Dr. Crowe told Jeff his condition was fixable, and that’s all Jeff had to hear.

After successful spinal decompression surgery at TCO, Jeff quickly realized things were improving. For the first time in decades, he could feel his toes again, and it kept getting better.

Jeff’s ultimate goal was to one day walk with his wife, pain-free, on the beach. It was a moment he’d been dreaming about since his days in the Navy, stationed at Pearl Harbor. That dream, finally became a reality during Jeff’s recent family vacation.

“Had you seen my wife and I strolling arm-in-arm along the shore, you wouldn’t have thought it was anything special,” Jeff said. “But for me, it was an epic comeback for which I am deeply grateful.”

Without any more pain and discomfort, Jeff is back to enjoying the little things, during what he considers “a second chance at life.”


Jeff’s Comeback Film

TCO Comeback Films

Jeff’s story is one of several TCO Comeback films featuring real TCO patients making incredible returns from injury.

For some, a comeback means walking on the beach without pain, while for others it simply means being able to play with the kids again. Everyone’s story may be different, but every comeback is an accomplishment worth celebrating, and an opportunity to inspire others.

A sincere thank you to Jeff, as well as everyone who has welcomed us into their lives to share their stories.