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September 8, 2016

Carroll R.

testimonial p

Dr. Dick seemed to know how to handle me from the beginning.  I was in agony, denial and yet stoic and dismissive of the seriousness until I saw the MRI.  Even I could tell I was in trouble.  He was very thoughtful about the problem and put time into thinking about the best approach. The pain was extreme and debilitating. He settled on a course of surgery, explained it to me and, I signed up.  There is a careful confidence about him and after the surgery I came to believe that he is very technically skilled.  I could tell even through the pain medications that he had done good, that the stabbing pain was gone.  A numbness is lingering where the pain was worst due to the pinched spine.  I am six weeks past the surgery and the physical therapy with another appointment in another six weeks and a year of healing and bone recovery and growth, walking exercise and fighting against gravity ahead.  I can almost abandon my cane after six weeks. Dr. Dick has a sense of humor that calmed me from the start and drew me in.  He was slow to promise because I was minimizing and macho and Germanic about how bad I was feeling. The surgery was five hours and pretty amazing. The members of his team who I met while conscious or in his office were engaging and fun; especially his scribe.  I am upright and feeling better back there every day.  Even the ten inches of stitchery got praised for its artistry by every nurse who changed the dressing.