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Osteoporosis Hip x

July 7, 2015 - TCO

Osteoporosis Case Study #3: Hip Fracture Repair

This patient is a 60-year-old woman who smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for most of her life.  Her injury was sustained when she tripped over the edge of a carpet at home.
LeftThe arrow on the X-ray demonstrates where this patient has fractured her hip.
Right: This hip fracture was repaired.  Surgery was performed to restore the hip to proper anatomic alignment.  This was accomplished by using internal fixation consisting of a rod and screw.
Stabilizing the fracture allowed it to heal in the correct anatomic position. The patient was able to walk and perform most activities of daily living while the fracture healed over the course of several months.

Click here to learn more about osteoporosis.
Case study submitted by Dr. Steven Meisterling.