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Rochelle Lindow, OTR/L, CHT

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Rochelle Lindow, OTR/L, CHT, obtained her Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy from the University of North Dakota and her Certified Hand Therapy certification. Since 1985, she has provided full-time direct patient care in occupational and hand therapy. Rochelle joined TCO in 2007 to open three new hand therapy locations in the northwest suburbs of Minneapolis. Through working with trauma surgeons, her passion for complex upper extremity injury conditions and surgeries grew. From 1994 to 2010, Rochelle also collaborated with Keep Pace Education Opportunities, helping design and teach several Continuing Education courses. Her current position is that of Occupational Therapy Project Development Specialist in addition to patient care. As part of this role, she designs, coordinates, and presents the Orthotic Skill Building Course. Additionally, Rochelle serves on several specialty committees. She continues to stay current with treatment techniques and strives to be evidence-based in both patient care and education of students, staff, and course participants. Her winter activities include hiking, walking, Nordic skiing, snowshoeing, and traveling to the southwest states. Summer activities involve avid gardening and trips to the family cabin “up north” in Minnesota, where she enjoys bicycling, hiking, paddleboarding, and kayaking. Occasionally, she finds time for photography and painting.


Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy, University of North Dakota (1985)

Professional Certifications

Board-Certified Occupational Therapist, National Board Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT)
Certified Hand Therapist (CHT), Hand Therapy Certification Commission
Certified Group Cycle Instructor, International Cycle Group (ICG)

Professional Affiliations

American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA)
Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association (MOTA)
American Society of Hand Therapists (ASHT)

Achievements & Awards

Nationally recognized as a Clinical Educator for providing continuing education courses on a variety of Upper Extremity and Hand Therapy topics.


Co-Wrote a Splint Booklet still used in practice today.
Submitted articles for booklets and pamphlets used as marketing tools on several hand therapy diagnoses.