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Athlete Vision: Team TCO

August 25, 2017 - TCO

Athlete Vision: Team TCO

They say you can’t be everywhere at once, but sometimes it feels like Twin Cities Orthopedics is represented at every single sporting event in the Twin Cities. Whether we’re giving out swag at an event booth, treating an injured Minnesota Vikings or St. Paul Saints player, wearing a TCO bike jacket during a triathlon, coaching our kids at the rink on Saturday morning, or cheering on runners at the finish line, “Team TCO” loves to show up!

Earlier this summer we sponsored the TCO Torchlight 5K through downtown Minneapolis. In case you missed it, it was an incredible night:

Becca Knight is our Partnership Marketing Specialist, and she plays a big role in TCO’s sponsorships, partnerships, and events. We asked Becca about why it’s so important to TCO to be “everywhere at once.”

Why does TCO sponsor events like the TCO Torchlight 5K?

TCO sponsors events like the Torchlight 5K as a way to give back to the community and create relationships with various individuals and organizations, whether they have required TCO services or not. (Some events need TCO’s medical support.) It is also a great opportunity to get our employees involved in something outside of the office setting.

What is TCO’s role during events?

TCO’s event involvement varies depending on the event, but typically we have a booth or tent where we distribute TCO-branded materials and educate the participants on the services that TCO has to offer. Additionally, our athletic trainers, physical therapists, physicians, and others often volunteer their time for the event to ensure that everyone involved is kept safe.

How do you choose events to partner with? Are they all the same size?

TCO is passionate about supporting healthy communities, and many of the events that we support follow the same philosophy, which makes it easy to partner. Whether those events are structured for youth or adults, TCO is proud to be out there cheering them on and/or keeping them safe!

The events that we support vary in size from 100 participants to over 5,000. There is never an event too small (or too large!).

Beyond events, what or who else do you sponsor?

In 2016, TCO supported over 500 organizations, varying from local youth programs to large partnerships with sports clubs, event organizations or professional sports teams like the Minnesota Vikings and St. Paul Saints. Because we are a local organization, we feel it is very important to support other local programs and organizations, whether that be a youth hockey association, high school booster club or fundraiser, or our local colleges and universities. 

Why do you sponsor teams, and how do you choose?

One of the greatest things about TCO is our ability to contribute to the community. We feel that as a local organization, it is extremely important to give back and enrich the lives of those in the Twin Cities. We take every opportunity we’re presented with into consideration and review each internally as a team.

What should someone do if they want to reach out about sponsorship?

Sponsorship inquires can be directed to [email protected]. Please include information regarding sponsorship opportunities (if available), including price and benefits.
We are extremely fortunate to be able to support the community the way we do, and we’re always looking for more ways to make a difference. If you have an idea for how to partner with us, we’re excited to learn more!