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Complete the 100-mile CycleHealth Century Club Tour challenge

April 30, 2018 - TCO

Complete the 100-mile CycleHealth Century Club Tour challenge

What is 10 days, 100 miles and has a bunch of wheels? Give up? Well, it’s the CycleHealth Century Club Tour, of course!

Grab your bike, join the tour and challenge your family to ride 100 miles over a 10-day period. It all begins May 10 and runs through May 20 with informal rides starting at seven area YMCA locations throughout the event.

CycleHealth strives to promote healthy living and exercise for kids and their families. What better way to savor spring and enjoy a wellness activity with the whole crew than riding bikes!

TCO Foundation

The Twin Cities Orthopedics Foundation is a proud supporter of CycleHealth and healthy lifestyles for kids and the community. Go to the CycleHealth website to sign up for the Century Club Tour!