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July 25, 2019 - TCO

Difference Maker: Fred Z.

When we ask patients and their families about their experience at TCO, we often hear it’s the little things that make all the difference.

Every month we recognize a team member who went above and beyond to make a difference in the life of a patient. Often they did something that, if you asked them, “was no big deal,” or “is just part of their job.” But the truth is, their actions inspired others around them.

As a small token of our appreciation for making TCO a better place, we partnered with local artist Claire Ward to create a one-of-a-kind piece of art featuring an image of the recipient’s choosing.

Today we’d like to thank Fred (pictured with his wife Erin) for being a Difference Maker.

Fred’s Story

Fred is someone who is unshakable under pressure, and on a very cold morning, his demeanor made all of the difference.

Outside the building, a teenage boy was struggling with a dislocated knee cap and was in too much pain to get out of the car. After repeatedly refusing to move or allow for reduction (moving the lower leg back into position), Fred was called in as back-up.

Calm, cool and collected, Fred was able to explain why reduction would both ease his pain and get him out of the car faster.

Thanks to Fred’s knowledge and unwavering nerve, the boy agreed, and was able to receive the care he needed.

Seeing the way Fred responded to his call to action, showed what kind of person he really is.

Thank you, Fred, for continuing to inspire us all!