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November 20, 2019 - TCO

Keven: I can live life again

Can you tell us a little about your knee injury?

There was really no dramatic injury to my knee.  Many years of attempting to stay active and consistent hard use had worn down the cartilage in my left knee so that eventually it was bone on bone.  For quite some time I tried to overlook the pain, but there were times I would be walking with my wife and would just about fall. The pain in my knee would be so intense. I finally came to my senses and thought, “OK, I need to get something done. I need to get rid of this pain.”



How did you end up choosing Twin Cities Orthopedics and the EXCEL program?

I had actually been a previous patient for another injury, so I was familiar with Twin Cities Orthopedics. I have always found that they really listened to my concerns and had outstanding physicians and physical therapists so it was a very easy choice. I asked my previous physical therapist for his recommendation and was quickly referred to a great TCO provider. After my initial consult, she referred me to the EXCEL program, as she thought I would be a good candidate. Because I was healthy and fit, she thought the program would enhance my recovery process.


How was your experience?

The EXCEL program is great. With overnight care after surgery, immediate physical therapy and scheduled PT sessions, all wrapped into one bill, it could be considered radical! It was unlike anything I had ever experienced. It greatly relieved stress from my wife and I. We knew we were in good hands.

Being an active person, I wanted to return to my normal activities as soon as possible. The EXCEL program did just that. I can now live the life I want without limitation. You can’t hold me back just because of the pain anymore.


When people ask about TCO, what do you say?

I tell them, I think TCO is a very well-respected organization willing to help individuals regain their lifestyles. It is a group of physicians, physical therapists, and care providers with outstanding programs and patient services who truly want the best for their patients.