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September 4, 2019 - TCO

TCO Comeback: Maria, Adventurous Mom

Meeting new people. Exploring new surroundings. Embracing new experiences. For Maria, life is all about the next adventure, and a dream trip to Asia had always been on the bucket list.

On the final day of her vacation, Maria set out into the jungles of Thailand for a picturesque hike. So beautiful, Maria pulled out her phone to take in the scenery as she made her way through the mountains. Then came a loud pop in her ankle. The pain was instant and intense, but there was no choice but to finish the hike. The journey though, was far from over.

Weeks after returning home, Maria’s ankle still hadn’t healed. After a visit to TCO, Maria learned surgery was needed. Nervous at first, a strong connection with Chris Coetzee, MD, Mb, ChB put her at ease, and the adventure back to full health began.

The road to recovery wasn’t always easy, but Maria dedicated herself to physical therapy. Thoughts of once again hiking and playing basketball with her family motivated this mother through the tough times. Now, she’s working her way back to being stronger than ever before, and looking ahead to her next adventure.

Maria’s Comeback Film


TCO Comeback Films

Maria’s story is one of several TCO Comeback films featuring real TCO patients making incredible returns from injury.

For some, a comeback means setting world records, while for others it simply means being able to play with the kids again. Everyone’s story may be different, but every comeback is an accomplishment worth celebrating, and an opportunity to inspire others.

A sincere thank you to Maria, as well as everyone who has welcomed us into their lives to share their stories.