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October 2, 2019 - TCO

TCO Comeback: Paige, Softball Star

Sports are more than just a game for Paige. They’re her passion. From basketball to softball, this Rosemount standout has excelled at athletics ever since she was little. As the years went by, softball became more and more of a focus. In fact, her dream is to play Division I someday. That goal was in jeopardy, though, after an injury on the basketball court.

What seemed like a routine lay-up, quickly turned serious. As Paige came crashing to the floor, she instantly knew something was wrong with her knee. A trip to Twin Cities Orthopedics confirmed her worst fear: she had torn her ACL, and her softball career was put on hold.

For Paige, not being able to play the game she loved was difficult, but she was determined to make a comeback. After a successful surgery at TCO, Paige created a special bond with physical therapist Lukas Cash, PT, DPT, who helped keep her mind in the game.

The hard work then continued at Training HAUS (powered by TCO) where Paige put all of her energy into making a full recovery and pushed herself every day to make progress.

When Paige finally stepped back up to the plate for the first time, she was stronger than ever before. It wasn’t long until Paige was back to slugging home runs, and now, she’s back to chasing her dream of playing college softball at the highest level.


Paige’s Comeback Film

TCO Comeback Films

Paige’s story is one of several TCO Comeback films featuring real TCO patients and Training HAUS athletes making incredible returns from injury.

For some, a comeback is hitting a home run, while for others it simply means being able to play with the kids again. Everyone’s story may be different, but every comeback is an accomplishment worth celebrating, and an opportunity to inspire others.

A sincere thank you to Paige, as well as everyone who has welcomed us into their lives to share their stories.