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September 3, 2019 - TCO

TCO welcomes new physician Dr. Andrew C. Ockuly

Join us in welcoming our newest physician, Andrew C. Ockuly, DO, to Twin Cities Orthopedics.

Dr. Ockuly [OAK-lee] joins the practice from the Albuquerque, New Mexico area and specializes in hip, knee, shoulder and elbow care as well as sports medicine.

Andrew C. Ockuly, DO

What is an interesting fact that people may not know about you?

I am a fourth-generation physician. My great-grandfather was a “horse-and-buggy” family doctor in Ohio, my grandfather was a dermatologist in Minnesota, and my father recently retired as an anesthesiologist in the Twin Cities. I am a devoted family man, outdoorsman and cowboy at heart.

Why did you go into medicine?

I decided to pursue medicine after a severe illness during my final year of playing hockey at St. Olaf College.  It gave me personal experience and insight into the world of modern medicine and surgery. It opened my eyes to the impact that physicians can have in the lives of others.

How did you choose orthopedics?

I have been involved and passionate about athletics my whole life. I have personally experienced and witnessed the importance of excellent medical care during injuries I sustained while playing sports.  During medical school, I kept an open mind about different specialties. After experiencing different fields of medicine, I tried to look objectively at which one seemed to fit. My personal illness, surgery and recovery gave me understanding of an athlete’s desire to return to competition. That experience, along with my skills and abilities, focused my medical career toward orthopedic surgery. I am very blessed to find a field that brings my gifts and passion together.

What is your care philosophy?

I believe in a team approach, with everyone working toward the common goal of helping individuals gain optimal health and function. My values are empathy, integrity and service, and they are my foundation for all decision-making. My ultimate goal and passion is to see our team help patients get back to doing what they love.

What is your favorite quote?

“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others.” — Philippians 2:3-4

Dr. Ockuly will practice at TCO’s Hudson and Vadnais Heights locations and is the Head Team Physician for the University of Wisconsin – River Falls.