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As the largest orthopedic physician group in the Midwest, and one of the largest in the country, you are sure to find a clinic that best meets your needs.

April 6, 2019

Ashley F.

My arm had been hurting for weeks now. It hurt when I threw a ball while playing softball. Every doctors visit recommended rest, and rest only. I even tried going to the chiropractor but it didn’t help. Someone told my mom and I about physical therapy. We thought we would try it out. My physical therapist, Mike Dixey, specialized in elbow and shoulder care. My first day of therapy I walked in very nervous, and I wasn’t sure of what to expect. Then I met a silly guy who was easy to talk to and pushed me so I could get my arm better. He then told me I needed to come into physical therapy twice per week for six weeks. I then looked forward to physical therapy each week. It was coming to an end and I was sad. He has inspired me to become a physical therapist when I grow up. Mike told me I could come into Twin Cities Orthopedics and shadow him someday. I plan to do that when I get my license. Mike gave me my own exercises to do at home after physical therapy ended. I haven’t stopped doing these exercises since, and this was two years ago. My arm is better and I’m still able to play the sport I love.

April 6, 2019

Debbie B.

Twin Cities Orthopedics Helped Me Get Back To An Active Life

In the fall of 2018, my mind was foggy and my body was bruised. “How did I get here?” I wondered aloud. The nurse reminded me that I fell down the stairs the night before. “You might have some memory loss from the concussion,” she said. I didn’t remember the fall but I did remember my disdain for stairs. For the past year, my knees had been in constant pain, and they were so swollen it was hard to bend or straighten them.

As I stared at the ceiling from my hospital bed, I thought “This is not how I pictured my golden years.” At 63 years, I thought I would be riding a bicycle with my grandchildren and hiking through national parks with my husband. However, those goals require good physical health, while I suffered from worn out and previously torn meniscuses in both knees. Even with rest, ice bag applications, and frequent use of analgesics, day-to-day activities were excruciating. I tried massages, chiropractic adjustments, and cortisone shots; but the relief was minor and short- lived.

Finally, I decided to make an appointment with Twin Cities Orthopedics. To my surprise, Tammy, a very compassionate nurse at Twin Cities Orthopedics, offered me an immediate visit. From the moment I met Dr. D. Charles Eggert, I knew I had the made the right decision. He offered me alternative treatments and medication, and gave me hope for the future. My treatment plan included viscosupplementation, also known as “rooster comb” injections. The shots provide cushioning to decrease pain and protect against further damage. I was shocked at how much better my knees felt afterwards! Twin Cities Orthopedics also gave me physical therapy exercises to strengthen the muscles around my knees and improve my balance. Now, my joints no longer catch or lock up. Thanks to the staff at Twin Cities Orthopedics, I will be biking, hiking and enjoying an active life again!

April 5, 2019

Will H.

I’m too young to remember the boxer Rocky Marciano. He retired in 1956, just a few months before I was born. His record was 49-0, the only undefeated, undisputed heavyweight boxer in history. After he retired, he was often asked whether he’d consider making a comeback. To which he would reply, “Come back from what?” It was his way of pointing out the absurdity of the question. You see, when you are the undefeated, undisputed heavyweight champion of the world, what is there to come back from?

Well, then there’s the rest of us. The rest of us need comebacks—sometimes a bunch of them. A year and a half ago, I got the surprise of my life when some hard-to-explain symptoms I was having turned out to be a diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia, a form of blood cancer that grows at breakneck speed and requires immediate and intensive treatment. There were multiple setbacks—a hard-to-achieve remission, problems with continuing chemotherapy, the need for a bone marrow transplant, all followed by these now many months of continued treatment and recovery.

My latest deal has been some fairly intense pain in my arms and shoulders, symptoms that have confounded my oncologists. And since I’m an equal opportunity recipient of all medical specialties, I was pleased to be referred to an orthopedist at Twin Cities Orthopedics. After ruling out a golf injury (all those 300+ yard drives over the years, I’d wrongly guessed?) or the time I shattered a backboard dunking (sorry–pre-YouTube), or an old pitching woe (my knee-buckling curveball–I was hoping for a double Tommy John surgery), I’ve now been diagnosed with “frozen shoulder” (or “adhesive capsulitis,” if you want to get more exotic). I’m not sure if it’s more that I’ve given or been given the cold shoulder, but the diagnosis and symptoms are pretty straightforward–pain, stiffness and inhibited range of motion. Surgery is not usually recommended, nor do you get a cortisone or steroid injection. Instead, it’s a whole lot of physical therapy, and while it can take a good while to subside, things usually thaw out, much like the Minnesota winter we’ve been in the grip of this year. It’s news I’m taking great hope in–that it won’t be chronic or something that gets worse.

So today I started my latest comeback. My physical therapist at TCO, Mike Dixey, is not only a shoulder specialist, but he loves baseball and 80’s metal hair bands, so how can I go wrong! The exercise regimen was clearly explained, is doable, and I left feeling a new level of confidence in my recovery. Driving home from my appointment, I was reminded again of how privileged I’ve been (and am!) to be the recipient of practitioners with such care, wisdom, and a commitment to keep getting better at what they do.


April 5, 2019

Brianna M.

My journey started when I decided to undergo surgery, in an attempt to help reduce the pain I was suffering from scoliosis (identified when I was 12 years old).  I stayed active as a ballerina in a small company without too much pain into my 20’s. Now in my 30’s, the larger curve had increased to 74 degrees and the pain had become unbearable. The decision was difficult because my husband and I have 3 young children and I knew this would be a long road. But the everyday tasks were too difficult.  It was hard to stand, walk or sit for more than 10 min. I’m not a person who likes to complain, most of my coworkers didn’t even know how much pain I was in until I said I was having surgery.  The difficult decision was made to have a four level spinal fusion to try to relieve some of the pain.

Once the surgery was complete, the next chapter started. I had to use a walker at home. I spent 18 months, 24 hours a day, in a hard plastic TLSO brace from chest to hips. No bending, twisting or lifting over 5 pounds was allowed, which meant I couldn’t pick up my then 3 year old son.  I’m so grateful to have had the incredible support of my husband, family, and friends along the way.  By the time I was 6 months out from surgery, progress was slow. So I had to start daily injections and wore a bone growth stimulator 24 hours a day, because the fusion wasn’t healing as fast as expected. I’m a dedicated nurse of 15 years and almost lost my job twice because of physical restrictions.  I fought hard to keep my nursing career at the hospital and regain my strength.

Once my fusion was fully healed I was able to start physical therapy – and I couldn’t just go to anyone after all I’d been through. A friend of mine who worked in the medical field told me to go to Twin Cities Orthopedics in Eagan and to see Christian Dawson. He was the best person to see for spinal rehabilitation. I saw 2 other people at different facilities while I waited to get an appointment with him. After the first visit I had with Christian I knew he was the right fit and he would be able to help get me to where I needed to be. I trusted him with my health. We worked together to test my limits and pushed me past the fears and doubt, building my strength and confidence.

I had to wean out of the brace slowly and I am proud to say that I am now out of my brace all together, not even wearing it at work anymore. My pain is so much better now then prior to surgery and continues to improve as I become stronger. I can do normal everyday things and I’m back to regular exercise even taking a barre pilates class at TCO. I still continue to see Christian a couple times a month because building muscle after such a long period of time in a TLSO brace takes time.  I feel stronger and more confident everyday thanks to TCO and Christian’s encouragement. It’s hard work, but my determination and dedication will help me get back to a normal happy healthy life.

April 4, 2019

Charles V.

My wife and I are so impressed with Dr. Marek and his team that we have become frequent flyers with him! Dr. Marek is not only an excellent surgeon, but a very caring person. I had Carpal Tunnel and Antecubital Tunnel surgery on my left arm on March 9, 2018. Approximately 2 weeks later, my wife noticed blood-tinged drainage from the elbow area, looked at my elbow, said the incision on the elbow opened up, and immediately took me to TCO’s Urgent Care in Waconia. Ben-PA-C took a picture of the incision, sent it to Dr. Marek, who was out of town. I was stitched up and sent home with an antibiotic.

When I saw Dr. Marek and Ryan, PA-C for follow up, I was told they changed how they stitch up the elbow because of my specific case. Dr. Marek cares about his patient, how the incision looks, and every aspect of the procedure from beginning through to the end. My wife broke her wrist and had surgery, I had Carpal Tunnel and Antecubital Tunnel surgery on my right arm, my wife had Carpal Tunnel on her right wrist, and is scheduled for Carpal Tunnel on her left wrist. Dr. Marek and his team did all of the surgeries with good outcomes! We would recommend him and his team to anyone.

April 4, 2019

Mark H.

I would recommend TCO and Dr. Christopher Meyer if anyone needs orthopedic surgery.

April 4, 2019

Cindy C.

I am in the Bloomington area on business. On the morning of March 11, 2019, I slipped on black ice and knew immediately that I had broken my wrist. Not only did the broken wrist upset and frighten me, but being from out of town, I knew nothing about what doctors that I would end up seeing or the quality of care I would receive. From my experience in the Fairview Ridges Emergency Department to the staff in the Twin Cities Orthopedics surgery center and beyond, I have had care so excellent, it really was beyond my expectations. Dr. Olmsted and physical therapist Matt are number 1 super heroes in my book. I would write more expressing my praise but typing one key at a time with my left hand hinders my ability to do so. I will leave it at this. Should you need care such as this, get in to see this wonderful team if you can. You won’t regret it.

April 4, 2019

Sylvia B.

On a five week trip to Italy, I was planning to go grape stomping like Lucy on “I Love Lucy” television show. I was also to walk the Cinque Terre. Thirty days before my fearless adventure, where I was to do all the driving, I woke up and could not walk!!

Your new Eagan TCO Orthopedic Urgent Care service put me in the care of Dr. Laura Koch. She revealed that I did not need a hip replacement in the next hour. Her correct diagnosis put me in touch with Patti Knudsen, receptionist at TCO physical therapy department. Patti understood that I was in acute pain with upcoming travel plans. My travel agenda was not the best for her schedule, but she made it work.

Enter therapist, Paul Breyen, who designed a program so great that he and Brie Dahl had me walking in thirty days. Once on my trip I continued the recommended exercises. So in Rome, I could walk 23,000 steps a day, run up and down the Spanish Steps. I did not take a tour bus but walked to all the attractions. At St. Peter’s Basilica, I gave thanks that I could feel so great at age 78. At Trevi Fountain, I was pleased to “return” feeling as good as I did when I first visited there at the age of twenty-two!

Today the TCO home exercise program keeps me in shape for the very important grandmother JOB. Additionally, I just spent a month in Mexico with visits from two active granddaughters (one a captain of Minnetonka’s track team, one on Minnetonka’s State Girls Championship Soccer Team). There are no couch potatoes here. The enjoyment of keeping up with snorkeling, swimming and walking the beach with your grandchildren is a blessing!

My journey of marvelous care from TCO started with Dr. Scott Anseth. Additionally, Heide Bolgren, PA-C, has twice treated me with outstanding results. All your great attention makes me happy and healthy.

Last week I climbed Superstition Mountain in Arizona. My bucket list is long, so stay tuned for updates.


April 4, 2019

Taylor T.

Last year at gymnastics practice, I dislocated my elbow and tore all of the ligaments in it. It was the third day of practice for my freshman year of gymnastics. I was unable to participate in any of the season. I tried going to physical therapy for three months but it wasn’t helping and the stability of my elbow wasn’t there. I found out that I could have surgery to repair the ligaments but the recovery time was 10-14 months long. I really wanted to avoid being out for that long, so I decided to try therapy for another month. It still wasn’t helping. In March, I decided to have Tommy John surgery.

Dr. Meletiou performed my surgery and I went back to therapy for eight months after. My therapist, Jacob Wendt was very helpful and was my favorite therapist that I had. The total recovery time was 13 months. I was able to get all of my old gymnastics skill back within the year and mid way through sophomore gymnastics season I was able to compete again. Thank you TCO!

April 3, 2019

George D.

I was surprised that I was released from the hospital only 36 hours after having my left hip replaced by Dr. Arntson. There was no significant pain or discomfort after the spinal blog wore off. I attempt to do 90 minutes of water aerobics 5 days a week. There have been no negative outcomes or consequences. I have noticed an increase in mobility mirroring someone with no artificial hips.

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As the largest orthopedic physician group in the Midwest, and one of the largest in the country, you are sure to find a clinic that best meets your needs.

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