The support TCO gives athletes during their journey is exceptional.
Jack Hennen is a senior at New Prague Area Schools. During his sophomore year, he suffered a concussion at the end of football season. He was introduced to Michael Steiner, PT at TCO in Burnsville. Mike is extremely knowledgeable, kind and shows great passion for his work. His expertise in concussion therapy is very evident and he was genuinely concerned for Jack’s well-being. In March 2022, Jack fractured his spine at L4-L5 at the start of his track season. He worked with Jason Ash, PA and rehabbed with Jake Kremer, PT at TCO Burnsville. He had to undergo foot surgery 2 months later, in May of 2022, with Dr Den Hartog in Eagan. He went back to TCO in Burnsville to work with Mike Steiner again. At one point, Jack was on crutches, wearing a back brace and a CAM boot! There were moments when Jack felt defeated, but he persevered. He stayed dedicated to his physical therapy program, followed the advice of his TCO doctors, and made a full recovery to showcase his talent as a well-rounded athlete.
Now, in his Senior year at NPAS, Jack is playing football and having a great season! He was just nominated for the MN All-Star Football Game. Playing both sides of the ball on offense and defense (safety), he leads his team in touchdowns and is tied for the most interceptions. He has had two 94-yard kick returns. He stepped in as kicker in the playoff game and was 3/3 on extra points. Jack is a 3 sport athlete this year playing football, basketball, and track. He made it to state in track during his Junior year in the 4×100 relay- team placing 6th in state.
All of this was made possible by the quality care of Twin Cities Orthopedics. Jack hopes that his story will inspire other athletes to work hard through possible set-backs and to show that you can overcome an injury with hard work and dedication.