I’m not sure anything can prepare you for the moment you hear the news that you’ve torn your ACL and severed your meniscus after a blindside in a football game. Everything I planned for my sophomore year was instantly replaced by a completely unplanned journey. I learned this new journey wouldn’t include football, basketball, or track. It would instead include surgery and crutches, relearning to walk and run, and require regaining the strength to lift any kind of weight with my left leg. I knew it was going to be hard, and I knew the only way to do it was to go through it and ultimately get through it.
My TCO team made up of Dr. Charles Eggert, Jessica, Katelyn, Kyle, Jeff, and Natalie got me through surgery, all my post-op check ins, physical therapy, and an extra 7 months of ACE training to help get me ready to compete again. Throughout my recovery we had a goal of getting me “back by football”. In a very unplanned and intense 10 months of reconstruction and recovery work, on the first day of the 2024 season I was cleared to play football without restriction.
I’m thankful for my body’s ability to be repaired and rehabbed in the way it was. It’s been great to be back out on the field with my teammates this season. As I look back on this last year, I’m thankful for my family, my friends, my Belle Plaine community support, and my TCO team that helped me get to this point in my recovery!