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Greg Deyak, MSPT

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Greg Deyak, MSPT, a Physical Therapist with a Master of Science in Physical Therapy, has over 21 years of experience working with an extensive range of patients facing diverse spinal conditions, including acute, chronic, and post-surgical cases. His treatment approach involves the use of manual therapy techniques, spinal stabilization, and corrective exercises to aid patients in regaining their functional capabilities. Greg is known for his versatility in integrating a wide spectrum of treatment options to cater to the unique needs of each patient.

Beyond his professional commitments, Greg takes pleasure in activities such as cross-country skiing and cherishing quality time spent with his wife and two children.


Master of Science in Physical Therapy, Des Moines University (1996)
Bachelor of Science, University of North Dakota (1993)

Professional Certifications

Selective Functional Movement Assessment Certified (SFMA)
Graston Technique Specialist Credential (GTS)
American Physical Therapy Association Clinical Instructor (APTA)