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Sara Milner, CPT, FNTP

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Sara Milner, CPT, FNTP, has a breadth of experience working with professional athletes, desk workers looking to get out of pain, and individuals looking to better their health and wellness. With a focus on functional movement, soft tissue release, integrating Pilates principles, and pulling from her yoga training, Sara creates movement sessions for clients that have them moving well, getting stronger and getting out of or preventing pain. Her philosophy is to train the body as a whole system, as everything is connected and works together. Constantly refining her skills and craft, she has a trainer herself, attends conferences and is usually studying for a new course or certification. When not studying or training, you can find her outdoors hiking or cooking high quality food, making delicious and nourishing meals.


Bachelor of Science, Exercise Science – Nutrition Minor
Nutritional Therapy Association

Professional Certifications

Certified Movement and Mobility Coach, The Ready State
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
Yoga Teacher Training (200 hours)
ACE Group Fitness Instructor