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Patient Testimonials

Read what everyone is saying about TCO

As the largest orthopedic physician group in the Midwest, and one of the largest in the country, you are sure to find a clinic that best meets your needs.

January 2, 2015

Robert G.

Dr. O’Keefe did an excellent job of repairing my broken elbow that resulted from a bicycle accident. The follow up was appropriate. I completed occupational therapy at Twin Cities Orthopedics with good results.

December 11, 2014

Byron B.

Dr. Diekmann is the only choice for me and my family when it comes to needing help with bone & muscle problems. He has served us very well for well over 20 years. I could go on with many details but just want people to know that this is a Dr. that will care for you very well.

December 10, 2014

Roger A.

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Thank you for the opportunity to give you my comment on my procedures. The results of my new hips could not have been better. North Memorial, all of the nurses, and Dr. Brian O’Neill were the best. Both times, my progress in healing was so fast, after 12 to 14 days I was walking without even a cane. I never took the pain medication because I never needed them. My hips were one year apart and the second one was about a year and a half ago. I have been pain free, no problems at all. So again, I thank all those involved in resolving me to a pain free life. My wife has two new knees and our daughter has a new hip with the same results from Dr. Brian O’Neill. We couldn’t be more pleased. Thank you all. 

December 2, 2014

Rose Marie G.

Twice Dr. Brian O’Neill has given me a new life. In 2003 he performed my knee surgery and in 2014 he performed my hip surgery. Each time I was what I was calling “given the miracle of walking again.” Each surgery turned out to be so successful. Thank you Dr. O’Neill. I would refer him to everyone who is in need of surgery. Thank you for allowing me to share. 

November 25, 2014

Jennifer R.

Dr. Lervick came highly recommended to me when I broke my clavicle in a bike race. His name is well-known in the local cycling community as the “go-to” doctor for broken clavicles (a common cycling injury). The most impressive aspect of Dr. Lervick is how well he understands athletes. From the size and materials of the metal plate in my shoulder, to his empathy toward my training and race goals, he always treated me like an elite athlete. He was open and honest with me on the risks associated with each week of my recovery while understanding my desire to get back to racing as soon as possible. With his help, I was able to maintain my training load through my recovery period and was back on the podium with little time lost.

Lervick JenniferR

November 24, 2014

Faye B.

I was in disbelief when my doctor confirmed after an x-Ray that I had no hip joint space left on my right hip and precious little on the left. That explained my intense pain in my hip and groin, my clicking as I bent forward (bone on bone) and my leg giving out with certain movements. No one in my family history had hip issues. Hip surgery meant I had work to do. I read all I could find and questioned everyone I could on their replacement experience. I heard horror stories and my first visit to a surgeon left me in tears. I needed a second opinion.I had heard and read that the anterior approach was the easiest in terms of recovery. One of my acquaintances who had both her hips done told me her first surgery was awful in terms of recovery. She told me Dr. Brian  O’Neill did her other hip and it was done with the anterior approach and she said she had done a ton of research, viewed videos, went to classes and ultimately chose Dr. O’Neill. So, I made an appointment.When I arrived I was told he was running behind and I had a fairly early appointment. I did appreciate their honesty so I waited. I sat next to a woman probably five years older than my 67 years. We talked and she said she was there for a follow up appointment after her hip replacement. I thought how lucky for her she was way ahead of me. She had had Dr. O’Neill and told me what success she had with her surgery.When I met Dr. O’Neill, I understood why he was running late that day. He spent time with me, explained everything, gave me options, showed me x-rays (before and after) and although I was fighting surgery, I knew I would be okay under his care.I shed tears in his office and on the day of surgery. The hospital gives you a huge three ring notebook to read. It spoke of donating blood “just in case” and raised more questions for me. Dr. O’Neill helped me check off all my concerns and questions. I always came to see him, even after the surgery, with my list of uncertainties. He assured me he did hundreds of these surgeries every year but this was my first. I reminded him of that.May 5, 2014 came and off we went. Everyone was so nice but it was me having surgery. They told me I would be asleep before I left the room my family and I were in and I reminded them as we started out that I was still awake. Some time later, I woke up–DONE.The day went by, a few visitors came (family) and my husband stayed the night. I was at the Maple Grove Hospital and can’t say enough good things about that hospital. I walked the halls with a walker that night and breathed a sigh of relief. I did have pain that night but morning came and I managed to freshen up in the bathroom, get dressed, fix my hair to look as presentable as I could the day after surgery.Dr. O’Neill was in early to check on me. I was sitting in a chair and he looked at me and said I looked like I was ready to go home. I said “yes”. He said, “then go”. WHAT? He said if I could do the physical therapy class and do the steps, I could go home. Who ever heard of going home the day after hip replacement surgery, but I did.Recovery was in my hands–do the exercises, move, ice the hip and come back the end of May. I was free to call him or his assistant with any questions. I had only three formal physical therapy sessions and always exceeded the goals set for me.My follow up visits with Dr. O’Neill were so comforting. He pushed me to give up the walker and the cane. He said at my last visit he would see me in two years but I know he knows my other hip is now wearing thin and won’t make two years. I am thinking probably another May surgery. This time I am more prepared having been through it once. While not looking forward to it, I know I have the best surgeon and would and have recommended Dr. O’Neill to anyone with hip replacement surgery in their future.Thank you Dr. O’Neill.

November 24, 2014

Constance L.

My name is Constance and I am a very grateful patient of Twin Cities Orthopedics. On May 6, 2014 I had bilateral total knee replacement surgery performed by the brilliant and amazing Dr. Jason Holm. I only have my highest praises for the entire staff at Twin Cities Orthopedics who are extraordinary, phenomenal, outstanding and exceptional! My heart and spirit are overflowing with gratitude, thanksgiving, appreciation and joy for the care team I’ve been blessed with at TCO. It’s been my honor, privilege, and joy to have the gifted and kind Dr. Jason Holm as my surgeon, his assistant Bobbie, Care Coordinator Kelly Hurley, Physical Therapist Maggie Dewitz, the x-ray team, Laurie and Debbie at the front desk, Tia and others whose names I don’t know as my precious and incredible and the best of the best care team! I’m very grateful to each person that works at Twin Cities Orthopedics for their commitment, dedication, sacrifices, and price they paid to obtain their education, training, knowledge, skills and wisdom so that I as a patient have been able to benefit from all of their hard work. My life and health has been greatly improved. Each person has shown professionalism along with respect, graciousness, patience, kindness, understanding, encouragement, support, compassion, thoughtfulness, a genuine interest in my care and well-being, cheerfulness and best of all the loving smiles and hugs! Each person is vital to the care, healing and recovery for a patient. I have a new found appreciation for people in the medical profession. This was the first time I have never had major surgery and a hospital stay. It has been a humbling and emotional experience being vulnerable and dependent on others to help meet my most basic needs. I treasure, value, love and celebrate this precious group of people who are passionate and dedicated to serve and help others in such a profound way!

November 13, 2014

Sally-Ann H.

Dr. Kruse is an excellent surgeon, who carries out double knee replacements in one operation. His expertise and professionalism coupled with a very caring attitude resulted in an excellent outcome. This has changed my life allowing me to do things which I have not been able do for 10 years. I now have no knee pain or discomfort. I cannot praise Dr. Kruse and his team more highly. I would have no difficulty on recommending to Dr. Kruse and his team to anyone considering replacement knee surgery.

October 17, 2014

Kristi L.

It is with the highest regard and gratitude that I write this testimonial on behalf of the incredible Dr. Scott McGarvey and his remarkable staff at Twin Cities Orthopedics. I was thrown from a horse November 1, 2013. As I sat in a field and looked at my ankle which was at 90 degrees, I knew I would need to see Dr. McGarvey – the only doctor I would consider – he had taken amazing care of my mother for many years. My ankle was so severely broken that Dr. McGarvey was concerned that I wouldn’t even be able to walk properly again. His expert surgical skills have allowed me not only to walk but to also run again! During the recovery period, Rhodora encouraged me to text or call her on her personal cell phone – unbelievable personal attention and care! I will be forever grateful to Dr. Scott McGarvey and his staff for getting me back on my feet again! I will be running in the Twin Cities 10 Mile Race and also skiing the Birkie thanks to you!

Kristi L.

September 22, 2014

Maurice A.

The surgery went well; the recovery was complete, even though I did not complete therapy or exercises except for a lot of walking. The entire staff at TCO was professional and helpful from beginning to end. I have, and will continue to recommend TCO to others.

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As the largest orthopedic physician group in the Midwest, and one of the largest in the country, you are sure to find a clinic that best meets your needs.

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