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Read what everyone is saying about TCO

As the largest orthopedic physician group in the Midwest, and one of the largest in the country, you are sure to find a clinic that best meets your needs.

August 27, 2019

Tayler G.

I suffered for more than 20+ years from lower back pain, which radiated to both legs and feet, including burning nerve pain. 18 months ago, Dr. Davis performed a miracle for me! A 2 hour surgery, a band aid and a couple of stitches later – the compression was repaired! No pain in my legs, no nerve pain in my feet, was up and walking my dog the next morning! I am 68 years old, this was a miracle for me by an amazing surgeon. Thanks for my life back Dr. Davis.

June 26, 2019

Glenn R.

Dr. Davis has been my doctor for 4+ years and I can honestly say that if it wasn’t for this fantastically skilled orthopedic surgeon, I wouldn’t be able to walk. Dr. Davis has performed three surgeries on my lower lumbar with amazing success of each one. Dr. Davis has earned my confidence throughout these processes with his honesty, precision, and care in exams and surgery. Dr. Davis’ skill and expertise truly blessed me with a miracle.

April 30, 2019

Brenda P.

I struggled with gradually worsening sciatic pain over the last 10 years. It progressed to the point that a sharp, stabbing pain in my right gluteus, radiating down all the way to my right ankle, plagued me whenever I was bearing weight. Slowly, I was losing my ability to live my life. I retired from a nearly 30 year career in nursing because I could no longer do the work. Then, our family dog had to be given to my daughter because I could not walk him to the park, only a block away. I could no longer maintain my beloved flowerbeds. Cleaning the house became an impossible chore. Eventually, I could not even tolerate standing long enough to cook a meal. No amount of physical therapy or chiropractic measures seemed to be able to stem the tide. Pain was confining me to either my couch or my bed.

The final straw was a long-planned vacation to Ireland. My husband had to push me around Dublin in a wheelchair. At 53 years young, I could not accept living this way.

In my quest to end this downward spiral, I met Dr. Christian DuBois at TCO, who recognized the degeneration that had occurred in my spine. He performed a 2-level spinal fusion with replacement of the L4/L5 and L5/S1 discs in December of 2018. I was warned that pain relief would not be immediate and my recovery would be long. But when I first stood up after surgery, although sore from the surgical incision, my sciatic pain was gone. Because of how much better I felt, I progressed very quickly through my post-surgery physical therapy, which was also done with TCO.

I have a life again now. Already I’m able to do far more than I ever could a year ago. But my journey is not over! I will continue with TCO for my upcoming knee replacements this year, as there is nobody else with whom I would rather write the rest of my Comeback story.

April 3, 2019

Valerie B.

Dear Dr. Crowe,

In August of 2012, I began working on my bachelor of arts degree in fashion designs. During this time, I had fallen on some ice. Not knowing how injured I was, I jumped up and went back to class. The pain in my leg began, but I was determined to get my degree; graduated in 2016. Before meeting Dr. Crowe, I had suffered with the most intense pain in my right leg for seven years. Due to this pain, it has prevented me from utilizing my degree; not being able to participate in Fashion week. Being a fashion designer is something I have dreamed of becoming since I was a little girl and now that I have had my surgery, I can finally live my childhood dream.

Thank you Dr. Crowe and Dr. Brianna Randall for giving me my life back.
Valerie B.

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As the largest orthopedic physician group in the Midwest, and one of the largest in the country, you are sure to find a clinic that best meets your needs.

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