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As the largest orthopedic physician group in the Midwest, and one of the largest in the country, you are sure to find a clinic that best meets your needs.

March 29, 2019

Jenna G.

A New Year’s resolution centered on healthy habits and a new weight lifting routine came to a screeching halt 9 days into the New Year. Who knew a smoothie could send you on a three month detour and into the OR.

There should be a rule that stressful situations and injuries can not occur before 6:30 am but unfortunately at 6:15 that fateful day, the blade fell out of the blender bucket landing on my finger. Fortunately (and unfortunately) my four year old daughter was there to witness the accident so I was unable to exhibit all of the emotions I felt. She kept telling me to be brave and calm my body down, “breathe in and out Mama. Be brave.”

Five stitches later and I was thrust into the world of Orthopedic Hand Specialists. I made an appointment with “one of the best” they told me. I was hopeful he would be able to figure out why there was no feeling in my finger. I was blown away to hear a provider not rush to surgery. Dr. Bakker wanted to attempt non-invasive therapy first and I was grateful for that step. I didn’t feel pressured into choosing surgery as I had at one of your competitors.

I know that injury is just part of a TCO employee’s work day but many of their patients come following a traumatic or stressful event. Although their priority is to help us heal, handling the emotions that are present is a critical step. From the beginning I felt Dr. Bakker acknowledged those feelings that came from a change to my routine and capabilities. I could no longer pick up my daughter or those heavy weights I was longing to use at the gym. Everything was put on pause and I had to be patient. Eventually it became evident that surgery would be needed to heal the loss of feeling. The surgery center was efficient and everyone I interacted with was so kind. I even ran into someone I went to school with since kindergarten!

Although there are so many things that “could have been worse” about my injury, the delay in getting started with my intended fitness plan was defeating to say the least. Being unable to include the weight bearing exercises my new plan included could have been an excuse. But I did my best (cast and all) to get into the gym and do what I could. I’m grateful to say I’m finally at the stage where I can grip the weights and increase them. I’m starting to see the end of the tunnel. Mr. Bakker and my care team knew it would come but sometimes when you’re in a difficult season it feels as if there will never be an end to it.

My hand therapist, Jodi, not only worked to get my finger functioning at full capacity but provided emotional support through our months working together. She was attentive to my worries about healing and I always left feeling at ease after our appointments together. It took me 34 years to get my first stitches so seeing a scar heal was something I hadn’t experienced. I would come in worried after what I had read on the internet and what my finger looked like and she would rave, “it looks beautiful!” She even welcomed my four year old one day (who had to attend due to a winter snow closing) with open arms. She kept Genevieve entertained and attended to my questions effortlessly. My daughter got to encourage me to be brave and see an example of a “helper.” I’ve told Genevieve, when people need help, there will always be helpers. Look for them. Every day I’m headed to see Jodi, Genevieve says “Be brave mama, your helper will help you.”

So, is there a silver lining in an injury? I suppose mine would be patience and allowing others to help me. My self sufficient nature had to take a back seat and in return I was able to feel supported and encouraged by your team. Now, for the gym date I’ve been waiting for.

March 28, 2019

Kathy E.

IN A LEAGUE OF MY OWN. Having bilateral total knee replacement on Jan 7th, 2019 puts you on a path few have ventured. But after years of injections and medication fails, it was time to make the decision to replace both knees. I’m turning 62 in a few weeks. I’m an active wife, mother and grammy, or I should say I was until the daily pain of bone-on-bone would send me to the recliner with my ice packs by the afternoon. The best part of the summer days were my husband and I’s early morning 20 mile bike rides around our area. Biking was the one thing I could do, yes bike 20 miles, but not walk 3 blocks! My appointment in Oct 2018 with Dr. Joe Nemanich started the discussion of what could be next and we picked the date for my bilateral TKR. On Nov 1st, I began my pre-hab at home with a daily routine to get in the best shape for Jan. I was confident going into surgery Jan 7th. It was a tough few weeks, but things seemed to be coming along according to my PT, Leah Toth, at Burnsville TCO. At 5 weeks post-op, it was apparent progress stopped and very active scar tissue took over and locked me at 90 degrees. The next step was the dreaded MUA on Feb 25th. Another blow to my recovery, but you have to keep fighting on! Leah and her team have been fantastic! They continue to encourage me every step of the way! Seeing your therapist everyday for 2 weeks at 80 minutes a session builds more than the usual relationship. Through tears of pain and frustration, there were also happy tears when a new ROM had been achieved! This has been one of the biggest events in my life. I’m still a comeback in progress, but I’m looking forward to each month that brings me closer to living pain free and chasing my grandkids this summer. I missed opening day at Target Field, but will look forward to attending some great summer evenings there.

March 27, 2019

Sylvia B.

On a five week trip to Italy, I was planning to go grape stomping like Lucy on the “I Love Lucy” television show. I was also to walk the Cinque Terre. Thirty days before my fearless adventure, I woke up and could not walk! TCO Eagan – Viking Lakes Orthopedic Urgent Care put me in the care of Dr. Laura Koch. She revealed that I did not need a hip replacement in the next hour. Her correct diagnosis put me in touch with the TCO Physical Therapy department. The assistant understood that I was in acute pain with upcoming travel plans. My travel agenda was not the best for her schedule, but she made it work.

Then I met Physical Therapist, Paul Breyen, who designed a program so great that he had me walking in thirty days. Once I was on my trip, I continued the recommended exercises. In Rome, I could walk 23,000 steps a day and run up and down the Spanish Steps. I did not take a tour bus but walked to all the attractions. At St. Peter’s Basilica, I gave thanks that I could feel so great at age 78. At the Trevi Fountain, I was pleased to “return” feeling as good as I did when I first visited there at the age of twenty-two!

Even today, the TCO home exercise program keeps me in shape for the very important grandmother job! Additionally, I just spent a month in Mexico with visits from two active granddaughters (one a captain of Minnetonka’s track team, one on Minnetonka’s State Girls Championship Soccer Team). There are no couch potatoes here. The enjoyment of keeping up with snorkeling, swimming and walking the beach with your grandchildren is a blessing! My journey of marvelous care from TCO started with Dr. Scott Anseth. Additionally, Heide Bolgren, PA-C, has twice treated me with outstanding results. All your great attention makes me happy and healthy.

PS. Last week I climbed Superstition Mountain in Arizona. My bucket list is long, so stay tuned for updates.

March 27, 2019

Peter H.

As an athlete my entire life, I found running to be my passion. After completing 10 Chicago Marathons, I accomplished my running goals in my life, but I had the desire to run just one more marathon at the age of 50. With the intense training over the years, my body was starting to take its toll. I was experiencing, what I thought, a sciatic nerve issue in my lower back. After two years of discomfort, I consulted with Dr. Brian O’Neill and was told I needed a full right hip replacement. A little shocked and not sure what to think, Dr. O’Neill explained to me that it wasn’t the end of being active and healthy. It was hard to hear the news that my running days may be over.

A little over a week after turning 50 on February 9th, I had a full right hip replacement on February 18th….my 50th birthday present to myself! 🙂 Encouraged by my family, friends, the great people of TCO, along with Dr. Brian O’Neill…I worked hard to recover as quickly as I could. Following their guidelines and recovery care, I’ve managed to walk and strengthen myself to the point that the TCO staff and Dr. O’Neill have been impressed with how quickly I’ve been moving. “A speedier recovery than most”.

It’s now been 5 1/2 weeks since my surgery and I’m walking in full motion, enjoying my ability to walk without pain and discomfort. Although I’ve been told that my running days are over, the idea of running again still looms in my mind. Desire and passion are two strengths in every athlete, but I know that my overall health outweighs risking injury.

My comeback is one of mental toughness that has been supported by the TCO staff and Dr. Brian O’Neill. They understood my disappointment after wanting to run again, but they encouraged me to stay mentally strong. Although it’s not running again…the idea of walking, golfing, biking, swimming and so many more active things I share with my family and friends is what I look forward to. I owe that to Dr. Brian O’Neill and his staff for their desire and passion to keep me mentally strong through my full recovery.

Desire and passion isn’t just for athletes. 50 is the NEW 30!


March 27, 2019

Brian R.

In 2011, after a work injury, I chose to see the fine surgeons of Twin Cities Orthopedics and it was determined that I needed my right hip replaced. This was the beginning of my experience with TCO. During my recovery, I did my physical therapy with TCO and worked with two amazing people; Shannon Burmeister and Jay Schindler. I spent a majority of my time with Shannon. She encouraged me to work really hard because she knew for me to be able to return to work, a very physical job, would mean I’d have to have my full range of motion back. I knew I had to do the work but she had such a kind way of coaching me through it all and it didn’t feel like work. She was positive and reassuring and she helped me regain my confidence on the new hip and I was able to return to work without restrictions. In 2013, I had my left hip replaced and again, I was blessed to work with Shannon in my recovery. Her hard work and dedication helped me to return to work from that surgery without restrictions as well. On my journey to become the “bionic man”, I had my left knee replaced in 2014 and the right knee replaced in 2015. By now, I felt a little like Norm, from Cheers, because when I showed up they all knew my name. The last surgery I had with TCO was in 2016 when they repaired a dislocated knee cap. This was probably the most grueling therapy of all but again, with Shannon’s help, I was able to get back to work and I’m happy to say, I have been back working ever since with no further complications. Whenever an opportunity presents itself, I share about the experience I had with my surgeons and my physical therapists. Their treatment and care was second to none. TCO helped put me back together again and for that I will always be grateful!

March 26, 2019

Patty I

Dr. Butterfield was recommended to me by my primary care physician. He was kind, professional, thorough and made sure my questions were answered. Would recommend Dr. Butterfield to anyone needing an orthopedic surgeon.

March 26, 2019


Dr. Koch did my surgery, she is wonderful! A very professional woman with a warm and comforting demeanor. Explains everything and is a good listener. I have already started to refer my family to her.

March 26, 2019

Trudy C.

I fractured my wrist two days before Christmas. I am extremely grateful that Dr. Gesensway and the TCO staff were so thoughtful, proactive, and organized that I was able to have surgery during the short holiday week rather than waiting 10 days. Dr. Gesensway is very personable and an excellent surgeon. My healing process was so much faster than my previous wrist fracture. (Yes, I must be a klutz or maybe just have bad luck when it comes to snow and ice.) He is also a good teacher; I valued having an understanding of my injury and the treatment involved. I especially appreciated how he would repeat certain instructions during post-op appointments. There was no second guessing myself when I wondered what I can or should not do.

March 25, 2019

Elizabeth B.

I just wanted to thank you Dr. Neil Johnson. I was in a few weeks back for the first time with severe pain in my inner thigh…we really didn’t figure out why exactly, but chose to do an injection in my knee. Wanted to let you know, whether is was the injection or not, everything is amazing now. It was very slow – each day I would tell people, well it feels about 6.5% better…but now it is 100% and no pain at all. I chose not to do the physical therapy for financial reasons, but also because it feels great. Thank you and your staff – everyone was amazing and the entire place was very pleasant and everyone has great customer service!!!

March 22, 2019

Terri M.

Before my Lisfranc injury in March 2018, I had just gotten my 1 year “all-clear” scan results from battling cancer in 2016-17. I was getting my strength back after the chemo and radiation, and set aggressive goals for the coming year — to compete in my first 70.3 (Half-Ironman) triathlon and my first marathon in 2018. In pursuit of those goals, I was on the way downstairs to the locker room at the gym on 3/30/18, eager to do my daily lunchtime workout, when I missed a step and injured my left foot. I soon learned from the ER doctor how serious the injury was and that my running and triathlon dreams may be over. The thought of being sidelined again (after my cancer comeback) was devastating.

But thankfully, I found Dr. Coetzee at TCO and he assured me that he could repair the foot. His confidence and caring manner were so comforting, and his expertise in foot surgery is second to none. The surgery was a complete success, and got me back on the road much sooner than anyone expected. Within 1 month I was swimming, in 2 months I was cycling, and in 3 months I was starting to run again! In September (5 months post-surgery), I competed in the Stillwater Square Lake 70.3 triathlon (1 mile swim, 56 mile bike, and 13 mile run). Then on October 7th (just 6 months post-surgery, with 2 plates and 10 screws still in my foot), I completed Twin Cities Marathon! Not only did I finish it, I ran the entire distance without even walking for a water break.

It’s been one year now since my injury and surgery. I am completely back to my old self…able to work full-time, take care of my family, plant my garden, ride my motorcycle, and train for the biggest challenge of all… my first full 140.6 Ironman in Wisconsin. I am grateful to Dr. Coetzee (and his wonderful staff Lisa Long and Larry Nilsson) for making me whole again!

P.S. My husband Pete is also training for Ironman Wisconsin. This winter, Dr. Coetzee repaired Morton’s Neuromas on BOTH of Pete’s feet (which had limited his training for the past decade). Nothing can stop us now! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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As the largest orthopedic physician group in the Midwest, and one of the largest in the country, you are sure to find a clinic that best meets your needs.

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