I am just around 13 days post op from a cervical spine fusion done by Dr. Green, and I just wanted to take a few moments now that I am feeling better to share my experience. First, for a little background, I have PSA and have battled this condition for well over a decade now. My joints have been swiftly degenerating, and this has meant many specialists and procedures done that ultimately end up in major surgical intervention. I have had many unpleasant interactions with orthopedic doctors over the years, which oftentimes felt like dismissal of my symptoms, pain, general lack of empathy/sympathy while my life, career and ability to function was crumbling around me because of a medical condition I had no control over.
I was referred to Dr. green for surgery as there was nothing more that could be done by my regular Orthopedic doctor to alleviate the symptoms that were horribly diminishing my quality of life. I was unsure what to expect walking into a new orthopedic specialist, but I thought it would likely be pretty much the same as past experiences. Initially it was just a plain pleasant encounter, review of MRI, discussion of symptoms, checking some ROM, and what a surgery would look like. I was informed I needed to quit smoking before the surgery could be ordered, which I agreed to and managed to accomplish right away. Surgery was scheduled and prepared for. Here is what is relevant about my experience with Dr. Green. Around 6 pm the evening before my surgery my phone rings and it is Dr. Green checking in on me to see how I was feeling about the surgery the next day. I thought my goodness what a very thoughtful thing to do! That simple gesture really alleviated about 80% of the stress I was feeling going into my surgery. This man took time away from his evening, likely off duty to check in on a patient. I have never had a surgeon do that before. Once at the hospital Dr. Green spoke to me concisely and thoughtfully about the procedure, all the while reassuring me things were going to be ok. And they were ok. I woke up and once again he was checking in on me and asked if I would like him to call my mom and let her know how things went. My mom spoke very highly of that conversation after I was discharged the following day. I know he didn’t have to personally make that phone call, generally a nurse could have done that. It was above and beyond what I was expecting. Another thing I really want to highlight about Dr. Green is his return to the hospital Saturday to check on me again personally before determining if I could be discharged. Why I think this is important to note is that my nursing staff told me that Dr. Green has become very well respected by the hospital team as one of the few surgeons that does this. They see a lot of Orthopedic surgeons in that hospital wing and I could see that his personal investment into the care of his patients had seemed to have left a meaningful impression on the recovery team that was caring for me. He has chosen to set a good example of compassionate care in a way I had rarely seen through my journey through a chronic lifelong condition. I have nothing but good things to say about my care under Dr. Green who has through his personal actions earned my high regard, trust, and respect. Thank you, Dr. Green!