After sustaining a knee injury while playing pick-up basketball in January 2020, I lucked out by ending up at TCO. Following a diagnosis of a tibial avulsion fracture, ACL tear, and medial and lateral meniscus root tears, I met with Dr. LaPrade and his team. I had so many questions and so much uncertainty going into my initial visit. But he and his team developed a plan for surgery and recovery, while giving me the confidence that I’d be able to return to desired physical activities, following recovery and rehabilitation of the muscle in my surgical leg.
Many times during my journey with TCO and Training HAUS I was asked, “what do you want to get back to doing athletically?” Having grown up playing baseball, basketball, and football, I haven’t found an athletic competition I did not enjoy. But my answer was always “to hike in the mountains with 100 pounds on my back.” I’m sure many thought that was an odd answer but I always had elk hunting on my mind and after knee surgery, I was most concerned with when I’d be able to return to doing that.
Fast forward to September 2021, I had the opportunity to elk hunt in the mountains of Colorado with a good friend of mine. I used this hunt as motivation to help stay committed to my ACE Program with Training HAUS. I came out of TCO/Training HAUS not only recovered from my injury but in the best shape of my life, mentally and physically. My friend and I found success in the elk woods and I was able to carry out my goal of hiking in the mountains with 100 pounds on my back.
Huge shout out and many thanks to a fabulous team of surgeons, PTs, athletic trainers, and other patients (some of which I consider my friends today) for making TCO feel like home for me and turning my knee injury into a positive experience for the 1.5 years I spent there. I look forward to many more elk hunts, backpacking trips, chasing my kids around and maybe even a few pick-up basketball games without hesitation that my knee will hold up.