Our hours vary each week based on appointments, so please call ahead.
Phone: 218-894-1515
49725 Cty 83
Staples, MN 56479
Twin Cities Orthopedics Staples is located in the Lakewood Health System’s Main Campus in Staples, MN.
The providers at Twin Cities Orthopedics and Lakewood Health System have partnered to better coordinate all of the care that you receive at this location. Though orthopedic care will be provided by practitioners that are a part of Twin Cities Orthopedics, all scheduling, billing and maintenance of medical records will be managed by Lakewood Health System.
TCO Staples clinic has providers who specialize in a variety of non-surgical and surgical solutions. Whether you are suffering from a sprain/strain, knee pain or a sports injury, Lakewood can provide you with the treatment options you need to feel like yourself again. Contact Lakewood today at 218-894-1515 to schedule an appointment with one of our orthopedic specialists.