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TCO physicians in New Orleans for AAOS Annual Meeting

March 6, 2018 - TCO

TCO physicians in New Orleans for AAOS Annual Meeting

Several Twin Cities Orthopedics physicians are participating in the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) 2018 Annual Meeting today through Saturday in New Orleans.

Drs. Chris Coetzee, Chris Larson, Greg Lervick and Owen O’Neill are presenting during the Annual Meeting, where experts from around the world gather to discuss and share the latest in research, education and innovation in orthopedics.

  • This morning, Dr. Larson will be giving a presentation on outcomes after meniscal repair in competitive athletes. Corey Wulf also will be presenting as part of the study.
  • Lervick’s presentation including a long-term follow-up of young athletes with unstable elbows is Thursday afternoon.
  • On Friday, Dr. O’Neill will be presenting a project involving care after a total knee arthroplasty, asking the question, “Does range of motion have a greater improvement with home care or a skilled nursing facility?” Scott Anseth also was a part of this project.
  • On Saturday, Dr. Coetzee will be presenting “Move My Fat” in regards to a product used in subtalar fusions.

The AAOS, founded in 1933, is the pre-eminent provider of musculoskeletal education to orthopedic surgeons.