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Read what everyone is saying about TCO

As the largest orthopedic physician group in the Midwest, and one of the largest in the country, you are sure to find a clinic that best meets your needs.

April 12, 2019

Theodore S.

I just wanted to take a moment to let anyone interested in hand surgery to consult with Dr. Amy Moeller at Twin Cities Orthopedics (TCO). I, and my family, have had to utilize TCO on a number of occasions, and then recently I required surgery on my hand. Dr. Amy Moeller was recommended to me, and subsequently, she performed very successful surgery on my hand. I cannot speak highly enough about her abilities, as well as the attitude and performance of her team – from greeting/scheduling, to surgical environment, to the surgery itself and after-care. And I would have to emphasize her “bedside manner” – Dr. Moeller is outstanding in listening, understanding and relating. I have in the past done some consulting concerning operating room environments and safety – and hers was exemplary. Should anyone reading this need hand surgery, Dr. Moeller is the finest.

April 12, 2019

Beth B.

I have had 13 surgeries from Twin Cities Orthopedics (TCO) and multiple other non-surgical treatments from TCO!

Dr. Karlstad and his team have treated my multiple elbow, thumbs and shoulder issues with multiple injections, some surgery and physical therapy.

Dr. Saterbak and her team treated both knees with injections, scopes, surgery, partial knee replacement followed by physical therapy.

Dr. Vargas and his team have treated both feet (cyst, plantar fasciitis, ankle instability), followed up with physical therapy.

With all of the visits to TCO, I was treated like a family member by all. They are hands on doctors, verifying motions, pain, etc. They follow conservative treatment, follow up regularly to keep track of progression and never rush through appointments. Dr. Saterbak even requested blood tests to rule out Lymes, arthritis, etc. I’ve been to other Orthopedic clinics where the doctor has you fill out a form in the waiting room and doesn’t even read it and the appointment ends without even checking joints, location of pain, and more.

Physical therapy at TCO is top of the line compared to other areas I’ve been to for therapy. They have so many options, equipment, and the therapists are all very knowledgeable. When you go, they are prepared for you and the treatments are personalized for you. They use every minute of your therapy time on you and truly want you to recover.

Thanks to TCO, I’ve returned to usual actives (pain free) more than 13 times and currently on the road to recovery from my latest foot surgery! I have referred so many family and friends as I know they will be treated right!

April 12, 2019

Charles C.

In September of 2017, I had come to the end of my proverbial rope. After a fall in 1978 of approximately 30 feet, I had some 14 major back and neck surgeries and was now in so much pain I was ready to give up. Seven years earlier the head of Neurosurgery at a very prominent hospital told me when I came for a much anticipated appointment, “if anyone ever tells you they can help you they’re pulling your leg”. I left devastated, in tears and did not really know how much longer or how much worse things could get.

Things indeed did get worse and over the next seven years my 6 foot 6 inch frame folded over too about 5’7”. The pain was completely over the top when I decided I had two choices; one very final, the other was search for a surgeon capable and willing to save my life. I started searching for Twin Cities Neurosurgeons and actually read the bio’s when I stumbled on Dr. Harris. In bold type he stated that he specialized in brain and complex spinal surgery. I had no choice but to see if he was serious, my appointment was made.

His staff treated me with a great deal of respect and seemed to streamline the process because the next thing I knew I was standing in front of Dr. Harris being told that he could help me! He warned me that it would be the worst thing I had ever been through and I kind-of chuckled because I had been through staph infections of the spine, multiple 3+ level fusions, I didn’t think I had anything to lose.

The 13 hour surgery was all that Dr. Harris promised. He removed a four level bad fusion done in 1988 and then went on to fuse virtually everything but the kitchen sink. I was up and walking the first day after surgery with huge grin on my face as I again stood 6ft 5in tall. In May of 2018, seven months after surgery I played golf for the first time in ten years without any increased pain. Yes my swing was really ugly but it didn’t matter, it was fantastic. The improvement in my quality of life cannot be understated, you need to be patient and persistent and understand you have a very long road ahead and the possibility of a much better outlook for tomorrow.

The recovery took a little over a year but Dr. Harris most definitely saved my life on October the 19th, 2017.

April 11, 2019

Matthew F.

I strained the ulnar collateral ligament in my left elbow during a high school hockey game in January. I missed 3 1/2 weeks of the season while I rehabbed at the Twin Cities Orthopedics in Woodbury with Brett Petersen, physical therapist. I returned to play for 3 games, only to separate my right shoulder during the section semifinal game on February 27th. I resumed seeing Brett to rehab my shoulder for the high school baseball season. Unfortunately, my right arm is my throwing arm. I was unable to throw a baseball or swing a bat. It has been 6 weeks and I’m happy to say I played in my first baseball game earlier this week! Brett not only helped get me back on the field sooner than I thought, but has also taught me the proper way to strengthen and warm up my arm before I play in order to stay healthy throughout the season. Thank you Brett! I’m hoping to have a great season!

April 10, 2019

Katelyn G.

On July 21st, 2015, my worst nightmare came true. I tore my anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). I was absolutely devastated by the injury because I injured my knee in the last club soccer game before my junior year of high school soccer season would start. At my first appointment at TCO, my nightmare was confirmed with an MRI; I had ruptured my ACL through and through. On August 7th was when the real work began to come back from this injury.

Dr. Jason Barry successfully reconstructed my ACL and within a week I had my first physical therapy appointment with Bryan DeJarlais. I knew from just how frustrating and hard the first appointment was that I was in for one of my life’s biggest challenges. Working along with Bryan was Courtney Scherr, PTA. Throughout my recovery, I feel she made the biggest impact. She challenged me physically and mentally every appointment, but also recognized that I was struggling with being out of the sport I love so much. She pushed me to do the best I could and ultimately helped me get cleared to return to sport at 6 months. When I concluded my regular physical therapy sessions, I decided I was not ready for contact yet and joined the Athletic Competition Enhancement (ACE) training. After the eight week program concluded, I was eight months post-op and felt ready to go. Using the strength and resiliency TCO taught me, I successfully returned to playing soccer at a high level, which I now play NCAA Division III soccer at the College of St. Scholastica, something I did not think was possible after my injury occurred.

Thanks to the great care I received at TCO and the bonds I made with the physical therapists, I have decided to pursue physical therapy as my future career and hope to one day soon help patients who are in a position that I was once in succeed.

April 10, 2019

Scott H.

I had a good experience with Dr. O’Keefe and TCO. I was well informed on how things would progress and all staff was pleasant to work with.

April 10, 2019

Jenny L.

I had always been a very active person, both as a freelance cellist and avid outdoors-person. But by 2017, due to pain & lack of mobility, I was having great difficulty enjoying any of those things! I had pursued conservative options (injections, PT & massage) only to have the extreme pain & stiffness return after some brief relief. That’s when I bit the bullet and I got in for a consult with Dr. Vorlicky. I really appreciated his straightforwardness and compassion. Then, after reviewing his stellar record of success with other hip replacements, I chose him to do my surgery. To not do anything wasn’t an option, so I jumped at this “second chance”for an active life.

A full year since the 2nd hip replacement and I am more active then ever. I can play my cello for hours, ride my bike, walk 4 miles at a time and the most exciting moment was being able to dance for 3 straight hours at my daughters recent wedding! And no pain as I got my boogie on!!!

I have to add that TCO’s PT staff has been stellar and has made a huge impact on my recovery as well!

Science/medicine is amazing! And I’m so grateful & blessed that the whole TCO family was such an important part of this comeback story!!

April 10, 2019

Micheal L.

Compared to a year ago, the way I feel now is nothing short of amazing. I am able to mountain bike, XC ski, play basketball, coach, and do all of my normal activities pain free. Prior to my cervical disk replacement, I was having excruciating pain radiate down my arm that prevented me from doing just basic activities. I was unable to even lie flat on my back with pain and numbness. The surgery performed by Dr. DuBois really has given me my life back! My wife and kids will also attest to that.

April 9, 2019

Julie T.

After 10 years of knee problems, I was happy and scared to hear Dr. Comfort say I needed a total knee replacement. Happy to know I would have a working knee again, and scared at the prospect of surgery and rehab. The EXCEL Program was just what I needed. The encouraging calls from Molly and the team helped me with workouts ahead of surgery to better prepare me for recovery afterward. They took care of the on slot of paperwork from insurance and work. They scheduled the surgery and all my physical therapy appointments and post-op checks.

March 5th at the Blaine Orthopedic Surgery Center, Dr. Comfort and his surgical team worked their magic on me. I was in the recovery room for 15 minutes and then got out of bed for a walk to the lav. The over night suite at the surgery center was comfortable and well equipped. The nursing staff and physical therapist took excellent care of me. The next week at home I was blessed to have my husband taking good care of me. The first week is the worst, spinal block wears off and swelling sets in and having to get up and move every 2 hours day and night. But i got through it with my marriage still intact!

The next week is where the work begins. Physical therapy twice a week with daily home exercises. Brian and Katie at the TCO Vadnais Heights are the best! They have the right moves to get you back on track and pain will get you gain. Every week I am amazed at how much more I can do. I am just 5 weeks post surgery and have returned to my household routines and some of my social routines. Workouts at the YMCA are slow but sure and soon I’ll be returning to my pool workouts. I am looking forward to a summer stand up paddle boarding on area lakes and riding my bike. By late summer I hope to be back at work as a flight attendant and enjoying life with my new knee! Thank you Dr. Comfort and TCO team for giving me my freedom back!

April 9, 2019

McKenna C.

May 22nd, 2016 my life changed forever.
It was the AAU state tournament for basketball and my team was playing for fourth place. All I remember is that I was going up for a rebound and coming down thinking there goes my hopes and dreams. It was a Sunday and there was no open TCO clinic so we went to a competitor location that was closest because I was in so much pain. They misdiagnosed me with a grade 1 ankle sprain and told me, “You should be able to walk in 3 weeks.” They were wrong. After about a month passes, I am finally walking in a boot with pressure but it still hurts so my mom and I decide to get a second opinion. We go to TCO and they immediately get me an MRI to see what’s wrong, and boy, was the competitor wrong. I remember sitting down with the doctor and wanting to cry thinking how will I get this time back with not training for basketball. I was diagnosed with a severe bone bruise and I had torn my ATFL. I wasn’t allowed to put pressure on my ankle for about 3-4 months.

Once I started walking, I started physical therapy. I decided to do it with a friends mom I knew from basketball, Michelle Montgomery. She really helped motivate me to work towards getting back on the court, after being in the boot for 7 months it was nice to have a break and to honestly be done with PT. After I was cleared to go back to basketball, I was so happy and the first time I was back on the court I felt like I was on CLOUD 9 and was meant to be on the court forever.

Right before sophomore high school basketball season was about to start, I started getting pain in my ankle and it hurt to run and when I walked my ankle was really unstable. Michelle referred me to Dr. Cammack, who said I needed surgery if my ankle was feeling that unstable. Not even a week later, I had ankle reconstruction surgery. With his new innovation, it was only 3 month recovery time. I was really happy that it was a fast recovery time but at the same time I didn’t know what type of player I would be after surgery. I was flat out scared for the outcome I thought even with surgery who and will I be able to play again mentally. I was missing my sophomore year of basketball and this is a crucial year for recruiting for colleges, I thought there goes my dreams. After recovering from the surgery, it was AAU season for basketball and I was back playing I was so excited to be playing again and was ready to show college coaches what I could do. That season was the best season I have ever had as a basketball player. I started getting recognized my colleges and other coaches and felt like I could do anything. That season made me the player who I am, it helped me play with a chip on my shoulder knowing I put all this work into getting back onto the court I won’t let it go to waste, not just because of my work but because of the others that helped me with their hard work. I am now a senior in high school and have a basketball scholarship to play in college at Waldorf University.

Nothing is impossible, everything is achievable with hard work. Surgery helped shape who I am, if I could go back and change getting hurt I wouldn’t. It helped me play with a new purpose that I truly appreciate and respect.

I will always remember the people at TCO who helped me. The sense of community helped me in my recovery. My new mindset changed to having a chip on my shoulder and overcome obstacles rather than getting devastated by things I can fix by hard work. Thank you TCO for helping me through times where I didn’t believe in myself. I’m back and I’m better than ever.

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As the largest orthopedic physician group in the Midwest, and one of the largest in the country, you are sure to find a clinic that best meets your needs.

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