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Read what everyone is saying about TCO

As the largest orthopedic physician group in the Midwest, and one of the largest in the country, you are sure to find a clinic that best meets your needs.

July 9, 2019

Donna N.

Dr. Simonet did both my hips in November of 2014. Feeling absolutely great! Just wanted you to know that I’m participating in the YWCA Women’s Triathlon on August 11, 2019, Lake Nokomis. Swim 500 yards, bicycle 15 1/2 miles, do a 5 K (I walk very fast!). I’m so excited and so very thankful to you for your excellent work on me. Please pass this on to Casey and Jane too. They are wonderful! I’m certain I could never have done this without you. I was in a wheelchair! Ugh! I’ll send photos of the finish line.

June 21, 2019

Mary A.

If you are looking for a good Orthopedic Doctor in the Minneapolis – St. Paul Area – I should say upper Midwest Area – Search no more! I have known Dr. Szalapski for several years. He did a total knee replacement in 2004 and that knee has pulled me all over on my travels and adventures. And two new hips in 2015 & 2016. He has given me a better quality of life! Dr. Szalapski has done hundreds of surgeries on hips and knees with a stunning record. He is a brilliant orthopedic doctor who cares about you and your health and well-being. He is down to earth, honest, and will take his time when talking to you about your concerns and give you honest answers. After you meet him you will understand that he is not only a doctor- but a miracle worker. Kind, honest, dedicated and genuinely cares about his patients.

June 21, 2019

Denise H.

From the very start in the exam room, Dr. O’Keefe was very helpful. The “schooling” before the procedure was beneficial (don’t skip this). The day of the procedure, everyone involved was very nice. The recovery suites were topnotch – I wanted to stay longer. PT was awesome with Ron at TCO – Otsego. Follow-up appointments (for x-rays four weeks after) were easy to make. I am so happy that I did the procedure and I would recommend TCO and Dr. O’Keefe to all my friends and family.

June 5, 2019

Curtis S.

As a high activity handball player 3 times per week; the hip replacement done by Dr. Knowlan gave me ability to move around the court pain free.

May 16, 2019

Sharon W.

I had total right knee replacement 6 months before having the right hip replacement. I had hit a wall in my rehab with the knee because of pain from both hip and knee. The knee continued to be painful even 5 months after the surgery. I can’t believe how much better both knee and hip were one month after the second (hip) surgery. Very little discomfort in my daily activities and walking is going very well. I’m so grateful to Dr. Meyer as he told me I would be so much better after the hip surgery and he is right!

May 13, 2019

Christine K.

I am recommending Dr. Owen O’Neill and his team with TCO to EVERYONE, because, simply put, they are EXCELLENT and THEY TRULY CARE. I had struggled with my hip conditions since birth on and off and at “end stage” received recommendations from Mayo to seek out Dr. O’Neill. Dr. O’Neill made room in his busy schedule immediately and once he saw me, scheduled surgery services ASAP. I will forever be grateful, especially since at this point, I could barely walk and was in constant pain. Not only was I greeted with great compassion, respect and professionalism by Dr. O’Neill, but also by his entire team. Everyone worked hand in hand very smoothly and I was thoroughly prepared for surgery and truly had the best experience and outcome. Every aspect of care was covered under the EXCEL program, including education, post-surgery care and a simplified convenient billing package. Every detail, every need was anticipated and I was well set up for success. Dr. O’Neill and his staff ALL are very approachable and made themselves available for support 24/7. Truly, I now have a NEW LIFE, new energy, a smile on my face, and NO MORE PAIN. I know there is a good chance that I will have to receive surgery on my other hip at some time in the future. In that case, for certain, I have already chosen Dr. O’Neill and his team for the job. I could not have asked for a better team, service, and outcome and forever will feel grateful and blessed.

May 10, 2019

Jim O.

When I was 16 years old, I was in an accident. I was hit in a head on collision with a fully loaded dump truck. My hip was dislocated and I spent months in the hospital. I am now in my 40’s and over the past several years, the same hip has been giving me so much trouble. No movement, limping, cannot bend and causing me pain in my back and knee. I did my hip replacement with Dr. Steven Meisterling. He was amazing. His nurses and crew were very helpful and professional and after my surgery, I feel like a new man. No pain, more energy and back to work after 6 weeks!! Dr. Meisterling said he even did a lot of “carpentry” work on my hip and yet, I feel better than ever. I cannot express how thankful and grateful I am to have such a talented surgeon make my hip feel brand new again. Thank you Dr. Meisterling, you are a wonderful surgeon. I appreciate you more than you know.

May 9, 2019

Barbara W.

I met Dr. Szalapski and had my first hip replaced at 42 years old – scared to death! It went perfectly and no limp. I had my knee replaced at around 50 years old and my other hip done a year later. Last year, I had my shoulder replaced and was told I may only get 70% of my range of motion back – I got 100%. I would never think of anybody but Dr. Szalapski to perform my surgeries when I have had the best care and absolutely no complications!! His support team and Jessica are the best also! Bonus he has a good sense of humor.

May 2, 2019

Kristi P.

Being 45, I have had my share of surgeries. I was born with left hip dysplasia in 1973. When I was a little over a year old, I had surgery to fix the ball and socket. I was very active growing up, lettering in 3 sports and played fastpitch softball during the summer for many years. Orthopedically I was doing great until 2010 when I tore my labrum in my left hip. Dr. Neil Johnson sent me to a specialist at the U of M. After repairing my labrum and replacing the hip a year later, I thought I was doing good. I was an avid golfer and was playing great.

In October of 2014, I was rear ended by a distracted driver, causing the herniation of vertebrae in my neck. Dr. Deal repaired my neck in April of 2015 and I was back on the golf course in August that summer. Not too long after this surgery, I started having right hip issues and Dr. Chris Larson found that I had a torn labrum. He highly recommended I go to see PT Meredith Butulis. She would help me get better without surgery! After my previous experience with my left hip, I was not sold. However, I began working with Meredith and found her to be amazing. She was a great listener and was always so positive and encouraging. After working with her, I have been able to push surgery off and still have not had to do anything about it.

In 2017, while golfing, I stepped in a hole in front of green, and stretched/tore ligaments in left ankle. After visiting with two TCO doctors, therapy was ordered and I immediately went to Meredith. After little improvements in my ankle, she sent me to see Dr. Chris Coetzee. He surgically repaired the ligament. He was also fantastic. When PT was ordered, I said I wanted to work with Meredith. Dr. Coetzee looked at me and said, “Fantastic. She is the best PT in the Twin Cities.” I told him I agreed.

Meredith has helped me in so many ways get back to participating in sports again at a high level. I have a fantastic relationship with her which gives me comfort when I have a question after treatment has been completed. I know I can email her and she gets back to me in a very reasonable time frame.

My story at TCO is extensive over the past 7-8 years. Every doctor, therapist and nurse have been wonderful to work with. I always felt like I was at the center of their attention when I was in one of the offices. I highly recommend to anyone who has an orthopedic issue or concern, to go to TCO.

April 27, 2019

Kim C.

I have never considered myself a runner but I have always loved to be active. I was a dancer for sixteen years, competing at the national level, and loved the athleticism and artistry of the sport. While I’m past my prime dancing years, I’ve found ways to stay active – teaching kindergarten, taking walks with my husband, strength training, and, most recently, running. I decided my New Year’s resolution would be to get out of my comfort zone and train to run my first half-marathon in 2019. I registered for the Lake Minnetonka Half-Marathon and immediately began researching training plans and nutrition tips. I hit the ground running (pun intended) on January 1, fully determined to complete my training program and prove to myself that I can be a runner. I crushed my first month of training. My distances were getting longer, my body felt strong, and my stamina was increasing. I felt unstoppable and more eager than ever for race day.

One afternoon I was on the bike for a cross-training day when I felt a quick pain in my right hip. It didn’t feel unbearable at the time so I continued on the bike, thinking that I’d put my body through sixteen years of dance with no major injuries, so there was no way a bike session would cause a problem. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. The next day it hurt to walk so I forced myself to have a rest day. The following day I couldn’t make it down the hallway with my kindergarten class without pain. I couldn’t sit with my students on the floor. I couldn’t stand for more than a couple minutes to teach a lesson. I thought my hip just needed more time, so I took more rest days and developed a limp to ease the pain when I walked. Fast forward a month and I was still struggling with every day tasks. I couldn’t even get dressed without pain. I finally caved and went to Twin Cities Orthopedics Urgent Care. My story was heard, x-rays were taken, and a diagnosis of labral tear was given. The possibility of surgery sounded terrifying, so I was relieved when the orthopedic surgeon said my injury could most likely be treated with physical therapy.

I walked into my first physical therapy session feeling more nervous than I expected but ready for guidance. Nicole was the perfect match for me. Not only did she put my nerves at ease but she has an athletic background and understood my desire to get back to running. That first session “hurt so good,” as they say, and I left with a goal to walk without limping for the next week. It was perfect that I have twenty-one kindergartners to help me on this journey: “Mrs. C., you’re leaning to the side again!” They kept me accountable and, with a lot of conscientious effort, I started walking “normally” again. My next several physical therapy sessions were all about helping my muscles learn how to operate correctly again. I found that I was excited to go to PT every week because I liked getting new exercises; I could feel they were making a difference. Eventually I was walking with no pain. I could squat next to my students’ tables to help them and get back up again. I could get in and out of my car. I could walk up and down stairs instead of crawling. I could climb on the counter to reach the top shelf of the cupboard. I was no longer restricted.

Eventually I received the news I’d been waiting for – I could try running again! My first run was slow and not very far, but I did it. Best of all, I experienced minimal pain and was able to run again the very next day. My hip hasn’t had enough time to condition for the Lake Minnetonka Half-Marathon but my goal is still attainable. I’ve transferred to the Halloween Half-Marathon and started a new training program. My distances have slowly been increasing, and while I’m often frustrated that my times still aren’t what they once were, I’m thankful I can not only run but do everyday tasks without pain. My kindergartners no longer ask me why I “sound like a grandma” when I get up from a chair. I know this wouldn’t be the case without Nicole and my time at PT.

I’m once again a runner, more eager than ever to cross that finish line on race day. This new race will be the perfect way to celebrate my recovery and 30th birthday, and I couldn’t ask for more!

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As the largest orthopedic physician group in the Midwest, and one of the largest in the country, you are sure to find a clinic that best meets your needs.

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