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Read what everyone is saying about TCO

As the largest orthopedic physician group in the Midwest, and one of the largest in the country, you are sure to find a clinic that best meets your needs.

April 17, 2019

Tara M.

Dr. Arntson was amazing and so helpful before, during and after my surgery. He was thoughtful, thorough and set me at ease that a hip replacement was the right thing to do! I was in severe pain before my surgery – worked out 5 days a week in pain. 6 months later and I workout pain free, have no pain and I’m living life to the fullest. It was a blessing! Dr. A is the best!

April 8, 2019

Gina K.

On Christmas eve of 2013, I was in a head-on collision on the backroads of St. Augusta, MN. My femoral head on my left side was shattered and dislocated, and I sustained multiple fractures in my left ulna and left fibula. I was hospitalized for a week, during which time I had 3 hip surgeries and one arm surgery. They were able to locate the fragments of my femoral head and reattached them with screws. My hip was then secured into the socket with a steel plate. Due to my arm injury, I was unable to use crutches, so for the following 12 weeks I was in a motorized wheelchair.

After those 12 weeks, I began working with Eric and his fantastic team (Jess, Emil, Ross, Kim). I did physical therapy with him for 12 months, during which time he saw me walk for the first time, fall countless times, fail, triumph, cry, laugh, and curse. We started with small things, like the stationary bike, and were about to build my muscles back up to the point where I could run on the treadmill with no pain. I truly cherish the memories I have with Eric and everyone else I worked with. I learned so much about my body and the process of recovery, and although my body will never return to the way it was before the accident, I feel so incredibly blessed to have worked with a team that helped me achieve the capabilities I have today.

April 8, 2019

Sharon D.

As an active 69 year old grandmother with several years of gradually worsening osteoarthritic hip pain, I had tried every suggestion from PT to cortisone injections to deep muscle massage, with little relief. I was finally advised to look into a total hip replacement. I didn’t know where to start with my research for best practices, but luckily for me, a family friend had recently used and highly recommended Dr. Owen O’Neill for a minimally invasive, anterior approach hip replacement. What a find! From my first appointment, I knew I was in the right place. Between Ann, Jessie and the rest of the TCO staff, I felt in good hands. The Fairview Southdale joint class was most helpful; as were the pre-surgery recommended exercises. In spite of my husband and my fears, we forged ahead with surgery and happily, had a perfect outcome. My legs are the same length again!! Hurrah! I was up walking at Fairview within hours of surgery and discharged the next afternoon after a few in-house PT sessions to demonstrate I could manage stairs. At home that first day, I climbed our second-level stairs slowly but surely. I used a walker for 5 days; graduated to a cane for another 5 days, after a few more days, kept losing the cane in our house! By the end of week two, I was mostly off pain meds except for two Tylenol at night. I was sleeping better than I had in a couple years. No hip pain!! My three week post-op visit; I walked in unassisted without a limp; my 2 month visit…I was good to go; no restrictions! No pain…a little outer hip numbness and slight swelling with activity (ice alleviates) but no pain. Already traveling/flying again; walking without hip pain is a such a blessing! Thanks again to Dr. Owen O’Neill for his professional, kind, personable bedside manner. And to his staff, who were there whenever I needed them, thank you!! As everyone said in the beginning, “You’ll wonder why you didn’t do this sooner.” Exactly!!! Thanks so much.

April 8, 2019

Melody M.

First things first, when you’re told to do your exercises, do them! Dr. O’Keefe is very straight forward, yet very compassionate. Nathan is compassionate as well. I’m three months post hip replacement surgery and am getting better each day thanks to these two professionals. TCO is blessed to have them and if I should ever need surgery again, I’ll choose them.

April 3, 2019

George D.

I was surprised that I was released from the hospital only 36 hours after having my left hip replaced by Dr. Arntson. There was no significant pain or discomfort after the spinal blog wore off. I attempt to do 90 minutes of water aerobics 5 days a week. There have been no negative outcomes or consequences. I have noticed an increase in mobility mirroring someone with no artificial hips.

April 3, 2019

John D.

Dr. Arntson performed a left hip replacement for me after I fell and broke my hip on ice. I was able to begin waling the next day with a walker. Within 2 weeks, I was walking on my own without a walker. Now, six weeks later, I am functioning normally with only a slight limp. Getting stronger each day. I am grateful to Dr. Arntson for putting me back together so well! Thanks!

I have very little pain now, and am looking forward to spring/summer activities soon! My dog is happy now that we can go for walks again!
John D.

April 2, 2019

George F.

Dr. Owen O’Neill is one of the best! I highly recommend him and his staff. The whole experience was as good as it gets for having a major surgery. Although uncommon in the medical industry these days, Dr. O’Neill has excellent bedside manner and does a great job actually listening to the patient. He takes the time to educate you on the procedure and the materials that will be used, and to address concerns you may have. He is an excellent surgeon and he did an amazing job on my anterior hip replacement.

I had lived with bone on bone pain for nearly 3 years before having surgery. I did lots of physical therapy and was able to greatly reduce the pain I was experiencing. However I was still greatly restricted in my activities, movement, and flexibility. I could barely reach my shoes to tie them. I thought my pain level was tolerable, but after having the surgery and having no pain for months now, I realize the pain was really dragging down many aspects of my life, my energy level, and my general demeanor. It’s been 8 months now and I’m feeling 10 years younger. I’m able to walk normally, jog and run, do all my gardening, and am very active again. The surgery really did change my life.

Thanks again to Dr. O’Neill and to his entire team. They are amazing!

April 2, 2019

Amy G.

When I was 7, I was diagnosed with a rare childhood hip disease- Legg Calve Perthes Disease. Basically, the ball of the femur loses its blood supply for unknown reasons and the bone grows back flattened and does not fit into the hip socket correctly. As a child, I spent a year and a half wearing a leg brace to try and keep the ball of my hip round. This never really caused a tremendous amount of pain until much later in life. By age 29, the pain had really settled in. I had seen 4 orthopedic surgeons in Iowa before finally meeting Dr. Larson at TCO. He performed arthroscopic surgery on my hip in 2015 and suggested a physical therapist to help regain strength. It has been 4 years since my surgery, yet, I gladly drive the 8 hour round trip to visit TCO 3-5 times a year just to check in with Margi and Dr. Larson’s team. They know exactly how to offer support and keep my hip moving. While my hip will never be perfect, I cannot emphasize enough how much of an improved lifestyle I have as a result of their efforts. I no longer live in constant pain. I am forever grateful to Margi and Dr. Larson.

April 1, 2019

Scott J.

My hip surgeries by Dr. Knowlan have restored full functionality with no pain. It is a night and day difference that totally eliminated my pain.

April 1, 2019

Karen S.


As the wheelchair carried me through the Twin Cities Orthopedics (TCO) Urgent Care door, my thoughts kept returning to the moment on the bike trail where I crashed while bicycle riding. While waiting to be seen by the nurse practitioner (NP), my thoughts drifted back to the beginning of the bike ride, where I visualized the beautiful crisp fall day, until I was jolted back to reality from the searing pain I was experiencing from the bike accident.

“What exactly happened to cause the bike accident?” asked the NP.

“I have no memory of it,” I said. “I recall riding on the Gateway Bike Trail when suddenly I was out of control and slammed on to the asphalt, losing consciousness.”

The NP began gently assessing me noting bruising and swelling over the right clavicle and shoulder, the left hand and wrist, and the right hip to the knee. X-rays were taken and a follow up appointment was scheduled with Dr. Knowlan.

Dr. Knowlan’s assessment determined I had a Grade I AC joint separation and a large hematoma of the right thigh. He suggested an MRI of the left hand/wrist since I was still swollen, bruised and tender to the touch. The MRI revealed a fractured left scaphoid. Dr. Knowlan referred me to Dr. Karlstad for follow up with the fractured scaphoid.

Three months past when Dr. Karlstad determined that the scaphoid was fused enough that I could transition from a cast to a custom-made removable splint. At this time, hand physical therapy (PT) was added to my list of rehabilitation routine.

My rehabilitation journey began with concussion PT at the Training HAUS since I was diagnosed with a concussion by the neurologist. The physical therapist designed a program so I could begin to walk on the treadmill and regain my strength.

Each day I tackled the various tasks before me on the road towards recovery. There were so many activities that I struggled to do or could not do such as driving, working, walking my dogs, preparing meals, cleaning my house, fall cleanup in the yard, changing the sheets on my bed, volunteering at church or as a therapy dog handler, and training with my triathlon group. My frustration would wax and wane as each week passed.

Four weeks post-accident, the physical therapist stated that I could begin to drive. I recall walking to my car after my PT session and informing my friend, who drove me, that I was going to drive home. I felt a sense of triumph that not only was I able to drive but I was slowly regaining my independence. During this time frame I was able to walk half of a mile.

My walking distance increased to 1-1.5 miles by the tenth week, and preparing my own meals was more doable. I was able to start swimming and riding a stationary bike in my cast. I was little by little making a comeback.

As the weeks went by and I was able to walk longer distances, my left foot began to hurt. I made an appointment with Dr. Clair. He determined that I had cuboid syndrome. He felt that when I was thrown forward over the bike’s handle bars that my foot, being cleated to the bike pedal, popped out of the pedal hard enough to contribute to the diagnosis. Foot PT was added to my rehabilitation journey.

Several times a week I would visit TCO for doctor and PT appointments. Twenty-one weeks after the bike accident, the scaphoid fracture had healed enough so I did not need to wear the splint. I had both hands free. I could finally walk my two dogs and put a fitted sheet on the mattress.

Returning to work as a nurse anesthetist after 25 weeks was an incredible victory. I wondered every week during my rehabilitation if I would be able to preform my job. Exhausted at the end of my first day, I smiled at my accomplishments knowing I was back.

The TCO team has been supportive and encouraging throughout my feat of weekly rehabilitation. As I reflect over the past 6 months, I know the TCO crew, who have been a pivotal role in my rehabilitation comeback, were (are) smiling with me each step of the way through my journey to recovery.

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As the largest orthopedic physician group in the Midwest, and one of the largest in the country, you are sure to find a clinic that best meets your needs.

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