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Read what everyone is saying about TCO

As the largest orthopedic physician group in the Midwest, and one of the largest in the country, you are sure to find a clinic that best meets your needs.

March 27, 2019

Brian R.

In 2011, after a work injury, I chose to see the fine surgeons of Twin Cities Orthopedics and it was determined that I needed my right hip replaced. This was the beginning of my experience with TCO. During my recovery, I did my physical therapy with TCO and worked with two amazing people; Shannon Burmeister and Jay Schindler. I spent a majority of my time with Shannon. She encouraged me to work really hard because she knew for me to be able to return to work, a very physical job, would mean I’d have to have my full range of motion back. I knew I had to do the work but she had such a kind way of coaching me through it all and it didn’t feel like work. She was positive and reassuring and she helped me regain my confidence on the new hip and I was able to return to work without restrictions. In 2013, I had my left hip replaced and again, I was blessed to work with Shannon in my recovery. Her hard work and dedication helped me to return to work from that surgery without restrictions as well. On my journey to become the “bionic man”, I had my left knee replaced in 2014 and the right knee replaced in 2015. By now, I felt a little like Norm, from Cheers, because when I showed up they all knew my name. The last surgery I had with TCO was in 2016 when they repaired a dislocated knee cap. This was probably the most grueling therapy of all but again, with Shannon’s help, I was able to get back to work and I’m happy to say, I have been back working ever since with no further complications. Whenever an opportunity presents itself, I share about the experience I had with my surgeons and my physical therapists. Their treatment and care was second to none. TCO helped put me back together again and for that I will always be grateful!

March 26, 2019

Patty I

Dr. Butterfield was recommended to me by my primary care physician. He was kind, professional, thorough and made sure my questions were answered. Would recommend Dr. Butterfield to anyone needing an orthopedic surgeon.

March 25, 2019

Elizabeth B.

I just wanted to thank you Dr. Neil Johnson. I was in a few weeks back for the first time with severe pain in my inner thigh…we really didn’t figure out why exactly, but chose to do an injection in my knee. Wanted to let you know, whether is was the injection or not, everything is amazing now. It was very slow – each day I would tell people, well it feels about 6.5% better…but now it is 100% and no pain at all. I chose not to do the physical therapy for financial reasons, but also because it feels great. Thank you and your staff – everyone was amazing and the entire place was very pleasant and everyone has great customer service!!!

March 18, 2019

Patty B.

Hi Jay,

I hope you and your family are doing well.

I wanted to take a minute to once again tell you that because of all your efforts and dedication to helping me walk and have my independence back, I am now back in the workforce! I’ve known for some time that I wanted to work part time in a position where I could interact with people and have some outside connection to the world. This week, that dream came true. The position is ideal for me, working only 10 hours a week, early morning hours. Both Bill and I didn’t know if my leg would present and issues about hiring and qualifications to do the position. It did not, much to my surprise.

Jay, without your help, expertise and encouragement, I would have never reached this level of independence. It is people like yourself and Kyle that I want to thank for continuing to live my life according to my needs. This past winter, I helped Bill with shoveling and even ran the small snow blower. It is not certain on those early days in therapy if I even knew that would be possible.

Bill/I sold our home of 35 years that we built and moved a year ago March to another home only a few miles away. The home we lived in previously was a 2 story and I had a huge landscaped flower garden that was difficult to keep up after losing my leg. Our new home is only 7 years old, with bedrooms, etc. on one level and in an equally great neighborhood as we lived previously. When looking for a new home, we had a list of priorities, namely a flat driveway, few stairs, etc. It has been one year of completing small and major projects in the house and was time that I was ready to look for outside work.

I just want you to know that there are many days, when I reflect back the help your provided to me in therapy and will always be grateful. I hope that your patients know how fortunate they are to be connected with you.

Spring is coming …finally and hope that you and your family will enjoy it!

Looking forward to seeing you when I visit Kyle.

Thanks Jay,


March 16, 2019

Michael K.

Last year, I remember summer being a challanging time for myself personally, as I started to think about the father/husband I was becoming. I was active with my family (or maybe too active) and I began to pay the paid the price with horrible knee pain. Fast forward to winter and the pain continued to get worse and worse. I decided to head into the doctor. With each visit, I would lose a little hope in returning to my playful ways with kids and activities with my family. Then I finally made my way to TCO, where Dr. Butterfield said he could help. I was excited and nervous about the surgery, but he made it seem easy. I remember waking up from surgery and instantly the pain was gone. It was unbelievable how great I felt and how my life felt on track again…so soon.

One month later, I was back to normal activities and had a large “pop” in my other knee. Again, I went back to my trusted surgeon, Dr. Butterfield, which turned out to be the best decisions I’ve made for my personal health. I had another surgery and so far, it was another success. This sounds overboard, but Dr. Butterfield and TCO have given me the ability to be a active, fun dad again. The smiles on my kids when we’re chasing through the yard is priceless. Thanks Dr. Butterfield!

March 15, 2019

John A.

Dr. O’Keefe and physical therapist Ron are fantastic. The EXCEL Program was awesome. All knee professionals and billing wasn’t confusing (very simple). Everything scheduled with therapy was very organized. They made me feel comfortable and confident that everything was well planned.

March 15, 2019

Eric J.

I blew out my ACL and it took my meniscus out with it. When recovering, the biggest thing I worked on was range of motion. 9 months after I was okayed to go skiing.

March 15, 2019

Mike K.

My worn-out right hip was making my back and neck ache from overcompensating when shifting my weight and force to my left leg. 3 months prior to surgery I was not able to run or climb stairs. Now, 6 weeks after knee replacement surgery with Dr. O’Keefe, I am walking with ease and stairs are no longer a challenge. I’m ready to get into strength training and swimming. I really look forward to riding my horses in another 2 months.

March 14, 2019

Andy H.

In August of 2018 I shredded my patellar tendon jumping trying to win a $2 t-shirt for hitting a volleyball. 10 days later, Dr. Lewis was performing the first surgery to repair the damage. After surgery, I was in an immobilizer for around 12 weeks. During this time, I met with Tegan and Hannah to start physical therapy. During this time therapy went fine. I was able to do straight leg raises fairly quickly and progressed as expected.

The next phase is to start to bend the knee. I equate it as the tendon is like a frozen bungee cord, has to stretch it out. Along the way there were many hurdles, swelling in the knee, tightness in the hamstrings and t band slowed progress as well as the knee already being arthritic . At 1 point I was measured at 80 degrees and was stuck there. After a follow-up with Dr. Lewis he said he believed that scar tissue had built up on the repaired tendon and was keeping me from progressing any farther, so back under the knife I went to clean up the scar tissue and knee manipulation. After that we continued PT 3 times a week and made some progress but again because stuck but now at 90 degrees.

Back to Dr. Lewis for another follow-up. Dr. Lewis was not unsure what was keeping me from bending past 90 degrees and proceeded to give me the bad news. He was unsure if I would be able to walk normal again let alone play sports. This was difficult for me to hear as sports and being active have been my life. If I’m not playing a game I’m coaching a game. At this time this is where Tegan shined! Not only did she continue to push me during my therapy, she helped me with my mental and emotional state! And to be honest that was probably the most important therapy she provided. We continued to work hard, bending and pushing until I couldn’t do more. In my next follow-up I’m proud to say Dr. Lewis said in a couple of months you should be able to run and jump again!!!

Tegan stayed with me the whole time, assisting me to trust my knee as I ran, made cuts and jumped! Last week I played volleyball for the first time since August 27th and it was great! Being able to compete again is such a huge accomplishment for me!!! And without Tegan I strongly believe that I would not have been able to accomplish this!

Thank you Tegan, Hannah and of course Dr. Lewis for helping me get right!!!

March 13, 2019

Brady M.

With this knee surgery by Dr. Knowlan; I have been able to work out again without my knee going numb/giving out.

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As the largest orthopedic physician group in the Midwest, and one of the largest in the country, you are sure to find a clinic that best meets your needs.

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