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Read what everyone is saying about TCO

As the largest orthopedic physician group in the Midwest, and one of the largest in the country, you are sure to find a clinic that best meets your needs.

April 9, 2019

Arthur (Bud) J.

After a knee surgery and two hip replacements, I would definitely return to TCO for any further surgical procedures. The staff were very professional and personal. After surgery, they answered all questions that were asked and provided a comfortable recovery environment. The staff was always patient and considerate of my condition and needs. The doctors visited you daily and always asked about your pain, concerns, and other health issues. Again, thank you, Twin Cities Orthopedics. God Bless, Bud.

April 8, 2019

Amy S.

Dear Dr. Saterbak,

My name is Amy. I am taking this opportunity to thank you for all that you did for me. I first met you when you repaired my daughter’s torn meniscus when she was 14. Then, when I injured my right knee, I scheduled an appointment with you. Right away I knew I made the right choice. You were so energetic and positive about my potential for full recovery. You didn’t immediately say I needed to have surgery. You encouraged injections, physical therapy and a brace to see if these less invasive treatments would help. I really appreciated that because it gave me an opportunity to work hard to avoid surgery. I did my physical therapy every day for several months while we worked together, as a team, to avoid surgery. When it was clear that surgery was what I needed, I felt so confident moving forward. I had a right total knee replacement on 1/17/2018.

You and your amazing staff educated me about continuing my physical therapy and losing weight in order to have a full, successful recovery. Well, I listened and got professional help to lose weight. I started seeing Natalie at the Hennepin Healthcare Golden Valley Clinic. I have successfully lost over 50 pounds! I do not take any Ibuprofen or Tylenol anymore. I have no morning stiffness. Not only am still doing all my exercises, now with weights, but I’m also walking 10-15 miles a week and swimming. When people tell me how great I look, I tell them I feel better than I look! Thank you and all your staff again for your amazing work and the care you gave me.

Amy S.

amy scott saterbak

April 8, 2019

Julia S.

July 13, 2016 – A little past noon, after returning from the Chicago Nike National tournament and practicing with her Varsity home team, the Zephyrs, Julia tore her right ACL. She was devastated. Her team was stacked with Emma, Annika, and Marissa and would have had one of the best Mahtomedi girl’s basketball team in years. Dr. Andrea Saterbak told Julia her options and reconstructive surgery was scheduled. Her trainers, Kenny and Peter, came to the surgery center with tears in their eyes. Julia would sit her 9th grade year on the bench after playing varsity as an 8th grader. Shannon Maxiner took care of her rehab and everyone said she would come back. She worked and trained and came back and the Fury AAU team who took her back to the Chicago Nike National Tournament.

At a little after noon on July 13, 2017, Julia tore her left ACL. The trainer at the tournament said she was ok, the Mahtomedi trainer said she was ok. She had built her muscles back so strong that she passed all tests to keep playing and she did.

Something didn’t feel right. Julia knew something was wrong. We went to see Dr. Saterbak. Andrea performed her test and the last part of Julia’s ACL snapped. Andrea was in tears and so sorry for Julia. Julia thought her worst fear couldn’t be true, it couldn’t happen again, she just didn’t think she could go through it again. Andrea scheduled her reconstructive surgery, her trainers Kenny and Peter came, her friends, family, and Shannon Maxiner told her she could do this and was going to come back stronger than ever. Julia sat on the bench her sophomore year and skipped AAU to finally be ready to play for her varsity team.

Julia’s first home game as a junior, she tied the school record for making 5 threes. Julia was named the captain of her team, was high scorer on her team, received an All Conference from all coaches, and the Zephyr award for one of the hardest working members of her team. To have a great surgeon, a great training team, a loving and kind PT, wonderful friends and family— priceless!

Andrea’s healing words and excellent surgical skills set a community in motion to allow the girl who wanted to be a basketball player to successfully return to her game. Who knows what her senior year will bring?

April 8, 2019

Tim T.

In October of 2016, I was faced with a situation of having my left lower leg amputated. Being a fairly active 59 years old, I was scared, nervous, and skeptical of my journey ahead. Although my story is nothing unique, it was my experience with TCO that made my situation easier to adjust too. Shortly thereafter, my oldest son, Tim, lost his left leg and partially the right foot, escalating our fight against Diabetes even more.

Timmy was a captain of the Burnsville Baseball team for the 2004-2008 seasons. He also coached the Burnsville Legion team for a number of years. TCO and the therapists there have given us the hope to be somewhat normal life again. They have introduced us to the great organization of and have simplified our journey back to independent living. Thanks!

April 8, 2019

Catherine H.

Before the surgery with Dr. Meyer, my life was non-stop pain. Walking, standing, sleeping or lack of sleep all affected by the pain. I avoided stairs for fear of the knee giving out. The other day I went upstairs, got to the top and realized that I had gone up alternating steps with out thinking about it. In the past I wouldn’t have been able to get up without using a single step method. It’s refreshing to think of my new knee as the good one and cannot wait to do the second one.

April 6, 2019

Debbie B.

Twin Cities Orthopedics Helped Me Get Back To An Active Life

In the fall of 2018, my mind was foggy and my body was bruised. “How did I get here?” I wondered aloud. The nurse reminded me that I fell down the stairs the night before. “You might have some memory loss from the concussion,” she said. I didn’t remember the fall but I did remember my disdain for stairs. For the past year, my knees had been in constant pain, and they were so swollen it was hard to bend or straighten them.

As I stared at the ceiling from my hospital bed, I thought “This is not how I pictured my golden years.” At 63 years, I thought I would be riding a bicycle with my grandchildren and hiking through national parks with my husband. However, those goals require good physical health, while I suffered from worn out and previously torn meniscuses in both knees. Even with rest, ice bag applications, and frequent use of analgesics, day-to-day activities were excruciating. I tried massages, chiropractic adjustments, and cortisone shots; but the relief was minor and short- lived.

Finally, I decided to make an appointment with Twin Cities Orthopedics. To my surprise, Tammy, a very compassionate nurse at Twin Cities Orthopedics, offered me an immediate visit. From the moment I met Dr. D. Charles Eggert, I knew I had the made the right decision. He offered me alternative treatments and medication, and gave me hope for the future. My treatment plan included viscosupplementation, also known as “rooster comb” injections. The shots provide cushioning to decrease pain and protect against further damage. I was shocked at how much better my knees felt afterwards! Twin Cities Orthopedics also gave me physical therapy exercises to strengthen the muscles around my knees and improve my balance. Now, my joints no longer catch or lock up. Thanks to the staff at Twin Cities Orthopedics, I will be biking, hiking and enjoying an active life again!

April 4, 2019

Mark H.

I would recommend TCO and Dr. Christopher Meyer if anyone needs orthopedic surgery.

April 2, 2019

Valerie B.

In August of 2012, I began working on my bachelor of arts degree in fashion designs. During this time, I had fallen on some ice. Not knowing how injured I was, I jumped up and went back to class. The pain in my leg began but I was determined to get my degree and kept on with my daily life, including graduation in 2016. Before meeting Dr. Crowe, I had suffered with the most intense pain in my right leg for seven years. Due to this pain, it prevented me from utilizing my degree (ex. not being able to participate in Fashion week). Being a fashion designer is something I have dreamed of becoming since I was a little girl and now that I have had my surgery, I can finally live my childhood dream. Thank you Dr. Crowe and Brianna Randall, PA-C for giving me my life back!

April 2, 2019

Luke P.

Luke’s TCO Comeback Story takes us back to June 26, 2018. Most parents assume that at some point in their athlete’s career, there will be minor injuries along the way. Fortunately, most parents won’t have to experience a major injury suffered by their child. Unfortunately, for our son, Luke, he did suffer a major injury. Luke tore his ACL in his left knee while playing basketball. At first, we were all hopeful that it wasn’t anything too serious, maybe just a small meniscus tear, but after a trip to TCO Urgent Care and then a follow up a week later with Dr. Thomas Conner, MD., we were unfortunately given the bad news.

We were told in our consultation with Dr. Conner that Luke would not be able to participate in any sports his junior year, he would be out of sports for 9-12 months. A tough thing to hear for a young man who had a great sophomore year of basketball – being named MVP his sophomore year and chosen as a captain for his junior year – and very excited for the upcoming season.

On July 24, 2018 (2 days before Luke’s 17th birthday) he underwent his ACL surgery. Dr. Conner and his team were amazing and we were very pleased with the surgery results and the care he received. While the first few days of post-surgery were not fun or easy for Luke, he got through those days with visits, messages and phone calls from caring family, friends, teammates and coaches.

Luke met Tyler Douglass, PT 6 days after surgery for his first physical therapy session. Immediately I could tell that Luke was very comfortable with Tyler and that they would hit it off. Tyler explained and talked to Luke in a way that worked best for a 17-year-old. Tyler was very focused on Luke, his plan for Luke, and he pushed Luke to work hard, do his best and keep going. He explained to Luke that there would be challenging and frustrating times ahead, but to push through. As Luke’s Mom, I appreciated the care and concern that Tyler gave Luke. Tyler has gone above and beyond. He has encouraged and supported Luke and we will be forever grateful for all he has done and continues to do, as Luke still checks in with Tyler periodically since he still has a few months left to go.

At Luke’s 3-month mark, he had an incredible opportunity (brought to us by Tyler) to go to the Training HAUS in Eagan to have his knee tested and see how PT was going for Luke and where his knee was at physically. We were so impressed with their wonderful staff who worked with Luke, especially Michael Kiely. Luke was put through some rigorous tests, using state of the art equipment, given so much support and some frank honesty from Michael about doing your PT, staying on track, getting stronger, holding yourself accountable and working hard. Those words that were shared with Luke have been very meaningful and motivational.

Luke continued seeing Tyler very frequently until about 4 months post op. At 4 months, we decided to sign Luke up for the STAR program, on the recommendation from Dr. Conner and Tyler. Luke worked very closely with Stephen Thorkildson during this program. What an amazing program for Luke! Luke and a few others were basically “piloting” this program. At this point, the high school basketball season had started for Luke and his teammates and it was tough on Luke. Luke would go to practices to watch and support his teammates and then have to leave early on the days he had PT and/or STAR. Luke was very dedicated on getting stronger and he had great results! Since he couldn’t be playing basketball, it was important for him to have another activity to feed a new passion. Luke had great results at his 6-month testing at the Training HAUS and everyone was thrilled to know that STAR was working for Luke and his commitment and dedication to rehab was paying off.

It was then decided that Luke was finished with STAR after reaching the goals he needed to. He then moved on to the ACE program, where he worked with Eric Seppelt and Nicole Sheehan. Luke started this program the middle of February and is enjoying being able to do more sport specific activities! As a parent, it is very reassuring to have all of these wonderful opportunities like the STAR and ACE programs and we would highly recommend them.

Luke has remained very determined through this whole process, which is not always easy for a 17-year-old. He knows how important his PT and rehab is and that it is all crucial to being able to return back to sport. We are hopeful and optimistic that this summer he will be back on the basketball court, ready to go. As parents, it may be a bit nerve wracking at first to watch him, but we will know that physically, Luke’s knee will be ready. And for that, we thank every single TCO employee who has pushed and supported Luke. He still has a few months to go, his Comeback Story isn’t quite over, but it has been an inspiring one so far! A quote I have leaned on over these past months “Every setback is a setup for a comeback. God wants to bring you out better than you were before.” We are so proud of our son Luke, and so thankful to TCO!

March 29, 2019

Connor Jo L.

My brother and I were born with cystic fibrosis (CF), a genetic condition in which the body produces thick, sticky mucus that can clog the lungs. Growing up on a farm south of Fargo-Moorhead, we were just your typical active kids, playing softball, basketball, and football. As a girl, I loved football, and even played on the boy’s tackle football team in through 9th grade. I continued my basketball and pole vaulting careers at the University of Minnesota, Morris, while also playing numerous intramurals. During my junior year, the first devastating injury occurred while I was playing intramural flag football. I made a cut to avoid the defender and hyperextended my knee. I knew instantly I had torn my right ACL, and I was right.

I remember distinctly after the tear that my first concern was not for my knee, but my lungs. Physical activity is crucial for maintaining good airway clearance with CF, and I was worried that the long rehabilitation period would decrease my lung function to a new low and potentially never return to the pre-injury level. Within two weeks, I was diagnosed, had surgery and was in physical therapy in Morris, MN. I rehabbed diligently and sat out the entire basketball season, which was even more difficult because I had finally earned a starting role. During the rehab process, needing a way to maintain my lung function lead me to a competitive outlet in triathlons. Swimming straight, running straight and biking straight were safer for my ACL, but I missed cutting sports, especially football. The following year, I returned to basketball, playing my senior year and leading the team to a birth in the national tournament; however, my range of motion never fully returned and knee pain persisted.

In 2017, three years after my ACL tear, I signed with the Minnesota Vixen, a women’s semi-professional American football team based in Minneapolis. Every practice, scrimmage and game left me feeling energized and alive, like I was playing the sport I was meant to play. I loved it and played very well in the first four games of my rookie season as an outside linebacker. I intercepted and returned three passes for a touchdown. Then, while playing our rivals in Kansas City, I made a cut to tackle an opponent and felt my right leg give way. Trainers misdiagnosed the injury as a hamstring spasm, but I knew deep down that my ACL was gone, again. I found myself looking down the long, bleak road of 9-12 months of physical therapy and possibly never touching the field again. Another period of time where I both needed to rehab my knee and somehow maintain my lung function. I did it once, I could do it again.

I remember talking to my dad on the phone right after the injury. “Maybe you shouldn’t play football again,” he suggested softly. I wasn’t expecting my gut reaction to be so strong. I just knew I had to play again. “No,” I said, “I’m going to work my butt off and be ready for the next season. I’m going to do it because I can and because I love football.” He understood and told me to get working.

I had my ACL surgery, using the patellar graft this time, with TCO surgeon, Dr. Corey A. Wulf, less than two weeks after the injury. Within a week I was on the sidelines of the football field, cheering for my teammates at every practice and every game. Beyond rehab, I devoted myself to any type of fitness I could do to keep my lung function high, including crutching to the grocery store and back. My physical therapist told me I would be back running within 8 weeks, and with her help, I was. In March 2018, nine months after the surgery, I was cleared to play football, just in time for the Vixen’s first football game of the season. I definitely did not feel fully recovered, but was able to do my job on the field. However, I suffered from excruciating knee pain stemming from the patellar tendon. This pain kept me from using proper mechanics, reduced me to tears while driving, and persisted even during sleep. After trying self-training and a few places around the Twin Cities with no luck, I feared this was a pain I would have to live with for the rest of my life.

I kept searching for the help I needed, and ultimately found the solution at Training HAUS, which had just opened in Eagan. Training at “the HAUS” has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. I started going to Training HAUS four mornings a week. There, I found out that my surgical leg had barely 50% of the strength of my non-surgical leg and that I had been severely overcompensating for the entirety of my 2018 football season. I was extremely fortunate to not have torn my ACL yet again, all-while helping the Vixen reach the national championship game and earning All-American status in the process. At the Training HAUS, Chris and Michael continually worked to develop the best possible customized plan to improve my quad strength, reducing my knee pain, and to make me performance-ready for the upcoming football season, which started in April. Almost instantly, I saw a difference as the pain started to subside and my running form, cutting form, and overall explosiveness improved.

The combination of rehabilitation and performance training I continue to receive at Training HAUS is unparalleled. My TCO hero is Chris Doney, one of my athletic trainers at Training HAUS, who has devoted countless hours to creating specialized training programs focused on isolating and strengthening my quad. Using the Biodex, a machine that measures muscle strength, we were able to track my improvements from 50% quad strength when I started to over 85%. I am still working towards complete symmetry. The knee pain has subsided, something I did not think was even possible a year ago. My TCO comeback has not been a linear process, but I cannot say this enough, I feel the best I have felt in SIX years (prior to my first ACL tear), and much of that thanks goes to my hero(s) at the Training HAUS, Chris and Michael. With commitment and a whole team behind me, I am entering my third season with the Minnesota Vixen fully healthy–lungs and knee, pain-free, and ready to compete. #HAUSBuilt

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As the largest orthopedic physician group in the Midwest, and one of the largest in the country, you are sure to find a clinic that best meets your needs.

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