I had a very successful total left hip replacement in November 2011. The surgeon used the posterior approach procedure.
In May 2016 Dr. O’Neill performed an equally successful total hip replacement on my right side using the anterior approach procedure.
There are significant differences in the recovery process between these two approaches.
In the posterior method I used a walker/cane about 2 1/2 weeks and the discomfort was greater. I was back walking 18 holes of golf in about six weeks.
After the anterior procedure used by Dr. O’Neill, I started walking unaided (no cane) on day 2 after surgery. On day 7, post-surgery, I started putting and chipping at the golf course. On day 12, I was walking 3 miles most days at 90% of full stride. By week 3, I was walking 4-6 miles most days at 100%.
My wife and I are going hiking in the Italian Alps in August 2016.