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As the largest orthopedic physician group in the Midwest, and one of the largest in the country, you are sure to find a clinic that best meets your needs.

December 10, 2014

Roger A.

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Thank you for the opportunity to give you my comment on my procedures. The results of my new hips could not have been better. North Memorial, all of the nurses, and Dr. Brian O’Neill were the best. Both times, my progress in healing was so fast, after 12 to 14 days I was walking without even a cane. I never took the pain medication because I never needed them. My hips were one year apart and the second one was about a year and a half ago. I have been pain free, no problems at all. So again, I thank all those involved in resolving me to a pain free life. My wife has two new knees and our daughter has a new hip with the same results from Dr. Brian O’Neill. We couldn’t be more pleased. Thank you all. 

December 2, 2014

Rose Marie G.

Twice Dr. Brian O’Neill has given me a new life. In 2003 he performed my knee surgery and in 2014 he performed my hip surgery. Each time I was what I was calling “given the miracle of walking again.” Each surgery turned out to be so successful. Thank you Dr. O’Neill. I would refer him to everyone who is in need of surgery. Thank you for allowing me to share. 

November 24, 2014

Faye B.

I was in disbelief when my doctor confirmed after an x-Ray that I had no hip joint space left on my right hip and precious little on the left. That explained my intense pain in my hip and groin, my clicking as I bent forward (bone on bone) and my leg giving out with certain movements. No one in my family history had hip issues. Hip surgery meant I had work to do. I read all I could find and questioned everyone I could on their replacement experience. I heard horror stories and my first visit to a surgeon left me in tears. I needed a second opinion.I had heard and read that the anterior approach was the easiest in terms of recovery. One of my acquaintances who had both her hips done told me her first surgery was awful in terms of recovery. She told me Dr. Brian  O’Neill did her other hip and it was done with the anterior approach and she said she had done a ton of research, viewed videos, went to classes and ultimately chose Dr. O’Neill. So, I made an appointment.When I arrived I was told he was running behind and I had a fairly early appointment. I did appreciate their honesty so I waited. I sat next to a woman probably five years older than my 67 years. We talked and she said she was there for a follow up appointment after her hip replacement. I thought how lucky for her she was way ahead of me. She had had Dr. O’Neill and told me what success she had with her surgery.When I met Dr. O’Neill, I understood why he was running late that day. He spent time with me, explained everything, gave me options, showed me x-rays (before and after) and although I was fighting surgery, I knew I would be okay under his care.I shed tears in his office and on the day of surgery. The hospital gives you a huge three ring notebook to read. It spoke of donating blood “just in case” and raised more questions for me. Dr. O’Neill helped me check off all my concerns and questions. I always came to see him, even after the surgery, with my list of uncertainties. He assured me he did hundreds of these surgeries every year but this was my first. I reminded him of that.May 5, 2014 came and off we went. Everyone was so nice but it was me having surgery. They told me I would be asleep before I left the room my family and I were in and I reminded them as we started out that I was still awake. Some time later, I woke up–DONE.The day went by, a few visitors came (family) and my husband stayed the night. I was at the Maple Grove Hospital and can’t say enough good things about that hospital. I walked the halls with a walker that night and breathed a sigh of relief. I did have pain that night but morning came and I managed to freshen up in the bathroom, get dressed, fix my hair to look as presentable as I could the day after surgery.Dr. O’Neill was in early to check on me. I was sitting in a chair and he looked at me and said I looked like I was ready to go home. I said “yes”. He said, “then go”. WHAT? He said if I could do the physical therapy class and do the steps, I could go home. Who ever heard of going home the day after hip replacement surgery, but I did.Recovery was in my hands–do the exercises, move, ice the hip and come back the end of May. I was free to call him or his assistant with any questions. I had only three formal physical therapy sessions and always exceeded the goals set for me.My follow up visits with Dr. O’Neill were so comforting. He pushed me to give up the walker and the cane. He said at my last visit he would see me in two years but I know he knows my other hip is now wearing thin and won’t make two years. I am thinking probably another May surgery. This time I am more prepared having been through it once. While not looking forward to it, I know I have the best surgeon and would and have recommended Dr. O’Neill to anyone with hip replacement surgery in their future.Thank you Dr. O’Neill.

September 22, 2014

Maurice A.

The surgery went well; the recovery was complete, even though I did not complete therapy or exercises except for a lot of walking. The entire staff at TCO was professional and helpful from beginning to end. I have, and will continue to recommend TCO to others.

May 6, 2014

Jim K.

I had the new direct anterior hip replacement surgery on May 6,2014, home the next day. I didn’t even bother with a walker, and after 2 weeks I gave up the cane. It was an incredibly easy experience, and if it gets any easier it could be drive through surgery. I will definitely recommend Dr. O’Neill to some friends who are contemplating hip surgery. The entire staff is top notch, and I was kept completely informed on what to expect throughout the entire process.

May 1, 2014

Myron C.

I was told about Dr. Christopher Meyer from a doctor friend of mine who knew of his reputation as an excellent surgeon. Dr. Meyer performed three surgeries on me within a 31 day period, so I feel I’m as good of a reference of his work as anyone could be. I had two total hip replacements and a left carpal tunnel and trigger finger surgery. I honestly think that the talent and expertise that he showed was as good as there is anywhere. I was walking two weeks to the day of my second hip surgery without any assistance of a walker or crutches; this was amazing and made me realize the fine job he had done. It would be wrong of me not to mention the fine supporting cast of assistants and facilities which were used. Ridgeview Hospital in Waconia, MN has a dedicated wing for joint surgeries, which allowed me to have my own room. The care I received from the staff of nurses and physical therapists was truly remarkable. I must also say that Dr. Christopher’s choice of his Physician Assistant Sommer Vaughan was an excellent decision, her knowledge of both office and operation procedure made my experience as smooth and successful as it could be. I truly believe that I could not have gotten better care anywhere and would recommend Dr. Christopher Meyer and his staff to anyone. Thank you so much to everyone who was involved, these surgeries gave me a chance to live my life normally again.Sincerely,Myron C.

December 18, 2013

Curt N.

I am a business consultant for a computer software company and have the pleasure of traveling 40-45 weeks out of the year. The last 5 years, prior to my anterior hip replacement in December 2013, was extremely difficult; to the point that I had to have wheelchair assistance when I was at the airport. I could no longer walk to my gate to catch my plane. I could no longer bend over to tie my shoe laces. I had to walk with a cane and could only walk short distances because of the pain. I knew I had to do something to improve my quality of life.

Then in April of 2013, I received an announcement letter from Dr. O’Neill‘s office about the new minimal invasive anterior hip replacement surgery. I had never heard of this type of surgery even though I had been an Orthopedic and Operating Nurse for 8 years and my wife a nurse for 30 years. I knew I had to attend this presentation. After the presentation, I immediately setup an appointment to see Dr. O’Neill. He told me that I had severe osteoarthritis in both my hips and knees, but the right hip joint was the worse. My only concern was whether or not he would be willing to operate on a person of size. Sorry, I forgot to mention that I am 6 feet tall and weigh over 300 lbs. He told me it would be difficult but he was not going to turn me away and tell me to lose weight first.

We scheduled the surgery for the middle of December because I could use my vacation time, but I had to be back to work the first week of January to start traveling again for work. All the information I received was exceptional, not only from his office but also from the hospital I was to have my surgery.

Now, everyone as heard that nurses make the worse patients, and I was not the exception. I had had two previous major surgeries in 2013 and couldn’t wait to get out of those hospitals. They were not very pleasant stays. For my hip surgery, Dr. O’Neill suggested, St Francis Hospital in Shakopee, MN and I am glad I took his suggestion. My stay in the hospital was longer than normal, 3 days. The hospital was outstanding, great facility and hospital rooms (all private), wonderful people; from admissions, pre-op nurses and anesthetists to the physical therapists and occupational therapist, but it was the floor nurses and nursing assistants that really restored my faith in the nursing profession. They were outstanding!!! I am know where I will be for my next hip surgery in December of 2014.

The surgery went well, I was up walking with a walker the next day and a cane the day after. My wife and oldest daughter couldn’t believe their eyes. They hadn’t seen me walk that quickly and without pain for years. I was back traveling for work 3 weeks after surgery. I also got the same response from the people at work.

Yes, my quality of life has improved greatly and is getting better with each passing week.

Thanks, Dr. O’Neill, Jessie, Alyssa and the people at St. Francis Hospital.

October 28, 2013

James M.

Below is a letter from James, who traveled from Canada to have a hip replacement with Dr. Owen O’Neill through the EXCEL Program at Twin Cities Orthopedics.

It’s funny how life works; how small the world seems to be, and how sometimes things just happen to go just right. This is where my story begins. After several months of enduring hip pain, it became apparent that it was time for a total hip replacement (THR). One of the keys for me, and what I think was important at my age (72), was the length of recovery after the surgery. I am an avid golfer both in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and in Marco Island, Florida; an outdoor cottage guy during the Canadian summers; and a guy that you could say just can’t sit still for five minutes. I was introduced to Dr. Owen O’Neill and Twin Cities Orthopedics from a close friend here in Toronto. After a short conversation with Dr. O’Neill and a brief discussion over an X-ray I had sent him, I knew this was the perfect fit for me. The THR being performed at Excel would have me back to my life of mobility in a third of the time of other THR procedures up here in Toronto. From the moment I arrived in Minneapolis, it was evident that the Excel team provides patients with coordinated care as advertised. I experienced outstanding care from all administration, all the dedicated nurses, and especially from Dr. Owen O’Neill himself. All questions about the surgery – and more importantly for me, about my recovery – were answered. After the surgery, the first thing I uttered to my son and daughter was, “What time is my tee time?” I just felt great – recovering for a few days in the private orthopedic suite getting nothing but the best care from all the excellent nurses on staff. I can’t thank them enough for making me feel so comfortable after the surgery. After a few more days recovering in a hotel suite provided by Excel and another examination/X-ray with Dr. O’Neill, I was on my way back home to Toronto. I had my surgery on a Monday morning and I was on a plane back to Toronto on Friday afternoon, and that is all due to the expertise of Dr. O’Neill and his team. Now, a few weeks after the surgery, family and friends can’t believe how quickly I’m recovering after having had a total hip replacement. Needless to say, I’m looking forward to my follow-up X-ray in about three weeks and a discussion via phone with Dr. O’Neill to discuss when I can make it back to the first tee to shave a few strokes off the scorecard. Most sincerely, James M.- Toronto, Ontario, Canada

August 9, 2013

Doug L.

I am 76 years old and had an anterior right hip replacement done by Dr. O’Neill. I had had a previous hip replacement done on the left side by another doctor using the posterior approach in 2009. Though the outcomes for both surgeries were positive, the recovery period for the anterior approach was considerably less painful and much shorter.

After the posterior surgery, I had to use a walker for a period of three to four weeks and a cane for several weeks beyond that. After a period of three months, I was still noticeably limping on that leg. With that recovery experience, I was not looking forward to repeating that procedure again when my right hip began to fail in 2013. To my good fortune, a friend at my church told me about her recent hip replacement which had been performed by Dr. O’Neill. She said that he had used an anterior approach which required a 5 inch incision in contrast to the eight or nine inch incision required in the posterior approach. She said her total recovery time was less than three weeks.

That sounded really positive to me, so I made an appointment to see Dr. O’Neill. When I met with Dr. O’Neill, I was immediately impressed with his very positive attitude. He thoroughly explained the anterior approach and showed me photos of previous patients who had the anterior surgery. I was amazed to see those patients walking only with a cane several days after their surgeries. In addition to Dr. O’Neill’s positive attitude, I was impressed with his personality and patient relations. He was not the typical “surgical god” that some surgeons pretend to be. He was a real person.

Because I really liked Dr. O’Neill and his approach, I had my right hip replaced by him. After staying in the hospital for two days, I returned home to begin my recovery. To my amazement, after less than a week, I was walking using only a cane for support. Because I wanted to impress Dr. O’Neill when I went to see him for a nine day check-up, I walked into the exam room using no cane or walker. Since his staff was very impressed with my progress, they took some videos of me walking in the hall. I really had no pain and was walking with no limp.

In a short period of time after that, I was again able to play golf and to ice skate, two of my favorite activities which had been limited because of the hip pain. Though both of my replaced hips work well now, the process of getting to a functional level was totally different. If you are considering having a hip replacement, I would encourage you to consider the anterior approach. To my good fortune and to yours if you choose the anterior approach, no doctor is better qualified to perform the procedure than Dr. O’Neill.

June 15, 2013

Karl W.

I had a hip replacement on my right hip in June 2013 with the new direct anterior approach. I never expected things to be good so soon. Dr. O’Neill indicated that the healing time was short and that I would be up and about rather quickly, but the healing exceeded my expectations. By two weeks after the operation

I am walking comfortably, do not need any supports such as a walker or a cane, I can bend comfortably, and I get up and down, walk, get in an out of cars, etc. more comfortably than I have been able to do in years.

The operation, the post operation care, the attention of the staff and Dr. O’Neill’s superb work deserves the highest commendation. All the information I received before the procedure was right on point, I was kept clearly informed every step of the way. I wish I had realized how easy this would be because I would not have waited this long to get this surgery. I feel like a new person and am grateful that such work can be done so well. Highest commendations to Dr. O’Neill and his staff.

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As the largest orthopedic physician group in the Midwest, and one of the largest in the country, you are sure to find a clinic that best meets your needs.

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