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As the largest orthopedic physician group in the Midwest, and one of the largest in the country, you are sure to find a clinic that best meets your needs.

June 4, 2019

Amanda F.

During early September 2018 I awoke one day with severe neck pain. I went to the TCO Orthopedic Urgent Care and was treated. Within two days I was back at the TCO Orthopedic Urgent Care because the pain had now radiated into my right arm. They referred me to Dr. Deal and physical therapy. From the first time I met Dr. Deal, I knew that I was being listened to and that I could trust him. An MRI showed I had a large herniated disc with nerve root involvement. Within a few weeks after I met Dr. Deal I started loosing strength in my right arm and was noticing that I was having difficulty brushing my hair. The pain was not getting better. I was having difficulty with keyboarding as well, which was impacting my ability to work.

On October 9 2018, I underwent a cervical disc arthroplasty. Prior to the surgery my quality of daily life was declining and I was feeling frustrated and becoming depressed. When I awoke from the anesthesia my nerve pain was gone for the first time in one month. It was a relief.

Dr. Deal gave me back my quality of life. Post-operatively I attended physical therapy and regained my neck strength and almost my entire full range of motion.

I am grateful for Dr. Deal and blessed that I had wonderful staff at TCO and Minnesota Valley Surgery Center.

April 8, 2019

Janelle N.

As a therapist myself, it was hard to become a patient suddently. But after recreational softball caused me to have several orthpedic injuries in a matter of years (2007 and 2009), I was fully thrown into the role of patient. My first injury was a fractured ulna from a softball that hit the arm I was using to get off the ground after a slide. When Dr. Meyer presented the options of being casted for 8 weeks (with the possibility of still needing surgery) or surgery, I chose to have ORIF surgery so I could be back to work in two days. He helped me get into therapy that Friday for a splint so I could continue my memorial day camping plans and then I was back at work the following Monday (yes with a splint and lifting restrictions)!


I was able to resume softball by August and had a full return of strength and function within 6 months. It was wonderful! Unfortunately, 2 years later at the end of the recreational softball season during the Championship game, a close call at second base caused me to have to lunge back to the base and onto the glove the the short stop execuring a diving tag. I stepped on his glove which was going perpendicular to my direction and felt an instant pop and twist of my knee. Again, as a therapist myself, I knew immediately that I now too had become a knee patient. I didn’t know how severe it was at the time, but I knew it wasn’t great. I got a knee brace and, a few days after this injury, my knee completely gave out on me while getting out of my car and I fell onto the concrete and tragically dislocated my elbow. This would all be tragic enough, had this also not been a week before my wedding. As my husband and I met playing softball, the plan was to play softball at our wedding. Now I have a torn up knee and an elbow that is black and blue from wrist to armpit.


I saw Dr. Meyer for follow up on the elbow and he referred me to Dr. Knowlan and an MRI of the knee. I was able to get through my wedding without crutches and a beautiful knee brace under my wedding dress! I was able to throw out the ceremonial first pitch at our wedding and then pose for some pictures with the teams and ‘batting’ before I excused myself from play. It made for great pictures! The MRI returned and it was a torn ACL, MCL, frayed meniscus, bone chips off the tibia, sprained fibular collateral ligament and surgery would be recommended. I went on my honeymoon with a hinged knee brace and a hinged elbow brace.


Spring of the next year I decided to have the ACL repaired. In the years since the surgeries I returned to playing softball, to prove to myself that I didn’t have a ‘career ending’ injury. In an attempt to take up a safer sport that wouldn’t require so much time off work if injrued, we took up golf and now only sub on softball leagues. In the recent years, I have started running and have run several 5K races and am pleased to report that on the most recent one on April 7th, Goldy’s Run, I had zero knee pain! NONE! On another note, I just got asked to sub on a softball team and am actually considering it despite my bad luck with injuries. This wouldn’t be an option to consider were it not for my wonderful surgeons that put me back together!

April 4, 2019

Cindy C.

I am in the Bloomington area on business. On the morning of March 11, 2019, I slipped on black ice and knew immediately that I had broken my wrist. Not only did the broken wrist upset and frighten me, but being from out of town, I knew nothing about what doctors that I would end up seeing or the quality of care I would receive. From my experience in the Fairview Ridges Emergency Department to the staff in the Twin Cities Orthopedics surgery center and beyond, I have had care so excellent, it really was beyond my expectations. Dr. Olmsted and physical therapist Matt are number 1 super heroes in my book. I would write more expressing my praise but typing one key at a time with my left hand hinders my ability to do so. I will leave it at this. Should you need care such as this, get in to see this wonderful team if you can. You won’t regret it.

April 1, 2019

Karen S.


As the wheelchair carried me through the Twin Cities Orthopedics (TCO) Urgent Care door, my thoughts kept returning to the moment on the bike trail where I crashed while bicycle riding. While waiting to be seen by the nurse practitioner (NP), my thoughts drifted back to the beginning of the bike ride, where I visualized the beautiful crisp fall day, until I was jolted back to reality from the searing pain I was experiencing from the bike accident.

“What exactly happened to cause the bike accident?” asked the NP.

“I have no memory of it,” I said. “I recall riding on the Gateway Bike Trail when suddenly I was out of control and slammed on to the asphalt, losing consciousness.”

The NP began gently assessing me noting bruising and swelling over the right clavicle and shoulder, the left hand and wrist, and the right hip to the knee. X-rays were taken and a follow up appointment was scheduled with Dr. Knowlan.

Dr. Knowlan’s assessment determined I had a Grade I AC joint separation and a large hematoma of the right thigh. He suggested an MRI of the left hand/wrist since I was still swollen, bruised and tender to the touch. The MRI revealed a fractured left scaphoid. Dr. Knowlan referred me to Dr. Karlstad for follow up with the fractured scaphoid.

Three months past when Dr. Karlstad determined that the scaphoid was fused enough that I could transition from a cast to a custom-made removable splint. At this time, hand physical therapy (PT) was added to my list of rehabilitation routine.

My rehabilitation journey began with concussion PT at the Training HAUS since I was diagnosed with a concussion by the neurologist. The physical therapist designed a program so I could begin to walk on the treadmill and regain my strength.

Each day I tackled the various tasks before me on the road towards recovery. There were so many activities that I struggled to do or could not do such as driving, working, walking my dogs, preparing meals, cleaning my house, fall cleanup in the yard, changing the sheets on my bed, volunteering at church or as a therapy dog handler, and training with my triathlon group. My frustration would wax and wane as each week passed.

Four weeks post-accident, the physical therapist stated that I could begin to drive. I recall walking to my car after my PT session and informing my friend, who drove me, that I was going to drive home. I felt a sense of triumph that not only was I able to drive but I was slowly regaining my independence. During this time frame I was able to walk half of a mile.

My walking distance increased to 1-1.5 miles by the tenth week, and preparing my own meals was more doable. I was able to start swimming and riding a stationary bike in my cast. I was little by little making a comeback.

As the weeks went by and I was able to walk longer distances, my left foot began to hurt. I made an appointment with Dr. Clair. He determined that I had cuboid syndrome. He felt that when I was thrown forward over the bike’s handle bars that my foot, being cleated to the bike pedal, popped out of the pedal hard enough to contribute to the diagnosis. Foot PT was added to my rehabilitation journey.

Several times a week I would visit TCO for doctor and PT appointments. Twenty-one weeks after the bike accident, the scaphoid fracture had healed enough so I did not need to wear the splint. I had both hands free. I could finally walk my two dogs and put a fitted sheet on the mattress.

Returning to work as a nurse anesthetist after 25 weeks was an incredible victory. I wondered every week during my rehabilitation if I would be able to preform my job. Exhausted at the end of my first day, I smiled at my accomplishments knowing I was back.

The TCO team has been supportive and encouraging throughout my feat of weekly rehabilitation. As I reflect over the past 6 months, I know the TCO crew, who have been a pivotal role in my rehabilitation comeback, were (are) smiling with me each step of the way through my journey to recovery.

October 24, 2018

Margo K.

I had a very positive experience with Twin Cities Orthopedics covering the period of time from urgent care to rehabilitation. I had the injury on a Saturday and requested that I might get my surgery scheduled as soon as possible with one of the most skilled and proficient arm and elbow staff surgeons there. They accommodated me quickly and on the Tuesday after, Dr. Bakker was recommended as my surgeon and he fit me into his schedule. He presents himself with very good communication skills and organization of procedures. It is about two months out, my surgery site is healing well and I thank him and his staff so much for their prompt and excellent care!

June 1, 2018

Jennifer B.

After receiving a phone call from my daughter’s school stating, “please come to school we believe that your daughter broke her arm.” I knew that the only place that I wanted to take her was Twin Cities Orthopedics. When we arrived, the waiting room full of people and the wait times were long. However, Courtney, the receptionist could see the urgency behind the patients face. She went above and beyond to make sure that we were seen quickly and efficiently. I will be forever grateful for the service that we received from her. After being placed in a room, the doctor came in immediately, took x-rays, waited for the results and explained the severity of her injuries. The doctor took time to explain our options and allowed us to make a decision that we felt was best for our child. I want to say, “Thank You” to everyone that helped us and took care of us that day.

February 9, 2018


I brought my daughter in yesterday to the Edina walk-in clinic for an injured hand/wrist. It was such a great experience. I appreciate being able to take her there instead of a dirty, influenza infested urgent care. The clinic was clean and the staff was very kind. The x-ray techs were so great with my 4-year-old and got the x-ray done quickly.

November 6, 2017

Karen P.

I was experiencing a lot of pain in my right knee and could barely walk.  On August 18th, I had an appointment to see Dr. Moser at the Eden Prairie TCO.  When we arrived for our appointment, they were experiencing a power outage and were re-scheduling patients.  The girls at the Eden Prairie TCO suggested that I go to the TCO Edina Orthopedic Urgent Care so that I could be seen quickly.  We drove right over and I was able to get in right away.

Dr. Kempcke saw me and after x-rays and examination, told me that I did not have much cartilage left in my knee and should consider knee replacement sooner rather than later.

She offered a cortisone injection as a short term measure and I agreed to the cortisone injection.  I was off work for a few days and was able to rest the knee, but able to return to my job as a nurse within a week.  The cortisone injection really helped.

I do plan to have a total knee replacement with TCO in the near future, but I was very appreciative of the treatment I received at the Edina TCO Urgent Care.  I highly recommend them.

November 25, 2015

Laurie C.

I  presented to Edina Orthopedic Urgent Care– desk staff responded quickly & compassionately to me as I hobbled in in severe ankle pain-grabbing a wheelchair.  I was roomed with in minutes quickly triaged & seen by a provider. She quickly assessed my ankle &  ordered X-rays -Sky the tech was gentle & proficient completing the filming.  My doctor patiently, quickly,  & gently diagnosed the problem.  They efficiently worked together & I was on my way in little over an hour!  Thank you to Amal who was a good listener, I am sorry I didn’t catch the name of front desk staff but thank you to all the staff!  Even the scribe Devan who helped get to my the car just incredible coordination & patient centered care!  You have a great TEAM there that truly worked together!

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As the largest orthopedic physician group in the Midwest, and one of the largest in the country, you are sure to find a clinic that best meets your needs.

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