I am extremely grateful as both a patient and as a physical therapist working with Dr. Ridley. Earlier this year I had an aggravation from an old surgery and progression of arthritis to the outside of the knee. I have worked with patients that saw Dr. Ridley and his team, so I knew he was my first stop. We met for the initial assessments. I found out there was a little more going on than affects from my old knee surgery. I had a couple new meniscus tears. As a couple of orthopedic nerds, we discussed treatment options and he recommended a few surgical and non-surgical options.
For me, the best part of the experience was that Dr. Ridley respected my questions and thoughts/concerns as well. He understood my history as a former college athlete and my goals for fitness with free weights and other functional fitness approaches. I ultimately landed on arthroscopic knee surgery. Considering the progressed arthritis to my knee cap and extra tears to the meniscus on both sides of my knee, I feel better coming out of this surgery than I did coming out of my first surgery 14 years ago. I was quickly able to demonstrate proper lower extremity exercises to my patients and return to fitness training at a faster rate than expected. And I have been a PT for 14 years! Thanks Doctor Ridley and team for helping me more comfortably treat my own patients, but more importantly, helping me keep up with my kids and family. Keep up the great work in our communities!