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Read what everyone is saying about TCO

As the largest orthopedic physician group in the Midwest, and one of the largest in the country, you are sure to find a clinic that best meets your needs.

March 18, 2021

Nick B.

I couldn’t be happier with the surgery, performed by Dr. Bakker, to fix my broken collarbone. From the first visit with him through surgery, and onto my post-op appointments, the whole process went very smoothly. The day of surgery was very efficient and recovery was even better. Thanks to Dr. Bakker, I can hardly even tell that I broke my collarbone and was able to get back to normal activity within a few weeks from surgery.

March 15, 2021

Rick L.

I would like to thank Dr. Anseth and his entire team for their excellent job done on my bilateral total hip replacement in January 2021. I was in extreme pain from severe arthritis in both hips and unable to walk without canes or crutches. When I woke up after surgery, my pain level decreased to a level 2 or 3. The arthritic hip pain before hip replacement was unbearable. Today my hips are pain free, I am able to walk pain free, and will be returning to work on May 1, 2021.

Thank you again to Dr. Scott Anseth, his assistant Heidi, the entire surgery team and therapy team. I would rate the entire process of surgery, recovery, and therapy a 12 out of 10. Dr. Anseth and his entire team blew it off the map for me. Thank you!

March 14, 2021

Linda R.

I’m very happy with the surgery and quick recovery! Thanks to Dr. Szalapski.

March 12, 2021

Lynn M.

Dr. Arntson is a very nice, kind, and personable physician. He was recommended to me by another surgeon when I discovered I needed to have a second hip replacement. 10 years ago I had my right hip replaced and the surgeon used the posterior method, which was common at that time. It was a long and painful recovery. I heard of the anterior method and my previous surgeon did not perform that type of surgery so he referred me to Dr. Arntson. I can’t even begin to explain what a pleasant difference it was between the two procedures.

Anterior procedure is surgery whereby the incision is on the front of the hip area and no muscles are cut. This alone speeds the healing process tremendously. The surgery required a one-night hospital stay at Mercy Hospital. I was treated very well! I was up and walking around, doing therapy the same day as surgery, and with no pain! I felt very comfortable going home the next afternoon. Minimal use of pain medication was required when used alternatively with extra strength Tylenol and Ibuprofen. No out-patient PT was necessary either. I just exercised and walked at home. I am at the 6 week post-surgery mark, walking normally and pain free. I don’t have any fears about this anterior procedure. I would highly recommend it and Dr. Arntson!

March 12, 2021

Daniel O.

Staying healthy and active in winter is hard enough. When you add COVID on top of that, it seems impossible! Feeling cooped up, I decided to meet a friend to play some tennis at an indoor court. Just as we were finishing up, I felt my ankle roll. Originally, I thought I could walk it off, but after taking 4 steps, I knew the pain I was feeling wasn’t going to go away on its own. It was something not even ice and elevation could fix. That’s when I contacted TCO to start my healing process.

I met with Dr. William Engasser and his team, and they were so kind and caring. We discussed my injury, and it was determined I had sustained a Lisfranc injury of the foot. Dr. Engasser and his team went through the step-by-step process of how my recovery would go and made me feel safe in their hands.

Following my surgery, Dr. Engasser told me the procedure went even better than he had hoped! I will be starting the physical therapy process soon, but I am more than confident with the TCO team behind me. I know am in great hands! Thank you so much TCO.

March 12, 2021

Tricia K.

I want to extend my gratitude to Dr. Barry. This thank you is very long overdue! The past 2.5 years (actually 10 years) have been a long journey for me. It was July 2018 when I first met Dr. Barry for my shoulder pain. I then had rotator cuff surgery and labrum repair on the right side in October 2018. I continued on in my recovery with PT and was discharged, but continued to struggle with ongoing pain and significant discomfort. Then I started seeing a new PT in May 2019, which eventually led me to being referred back to Dr. Barry in October 2019, due to possible scar tissue adhesion on my left side. This was possibly the root cause of all of my issues on the right side.

It was at this time that Dr. Barry referred me to Dr. Cantwell for a plastic surgery consult on the scar tissue. Dr. Cantwell performed surgery on the left chest wall on January 15, 2020. It was indeed a scar tissue adhesion, almost 3 inches long, caused by the chest tube inserted between my ribs when I was born prematurely almost 45 years ago. This scar tissue adhesion had also “tacked down” my muscles, not allowing them to move. With this surgery by Dr. Cantwell, it finally released my muscles to move freely again.

I want to thank Dr. Barry for listening to me when the second PT referred me back to him, and then for referring me to Dr. Cantwell. The surgery he performed changed my life! Without this surgery I would still be in significant discomfort and pain. I would still be unable to perform many activities of daily living without pain. I have been in extensive PT, and still am in PT with another provider. I continue to make progress each week, correcting all of the overcompensations, and am doing things I have not been able to do in a very long time!

This scar tissue adhesion appeared about 10 years ago. As time went on, it limited my mobility and caused me to create significant over competencies; hence my right side taking over for the left’s immobility, causing the damage to my right rotator cuff and labrum. Over the years, I had shown this ridge/deformity to various health care providers, only for it to be dismissed or they would say they didn’t know what it was.

This experience has truly been a journey. It deepened my faith and helped me push for answers on the strange deformity on my left side, as I felt there had to be more of a reason for my ongoing pain, discomfort, and inability to get better physically on my right side. And there most certainly was a reason! THANK YOU AGAIN to Dr. Barry for listening, acknowledging my concerns and referring me to Dr. Cantwell. There are not enough words to express my gratitude and thankfulness to you!

March 10, 2021

Robert M.

My rotator cuff repair with Dr. Kelly went well and I think the key to my shoulder recovery has been the dedication that I have put forth in my PT exercises given to me by my medical team. They have been very thorough on their discussions with me regarding what to expect and how to progress.

March 9, 2021

Larry K.

I am a mid-60s man and tore most of my right rotator cuff muscles rescuing my dog. That was two years ago. The surgery was complex but a few months after surgery with Dr. Kelly, I’d regained full range of motion and core strength.

March 9, 2021

Lisa H.

On February 17th, I fell and injured my arm. I had surgery on February 23rd. I am extremely pleased with my results thus far. The pain has been reduced to minimal, my range of motion is better than expected, the repair looks fantastic and the scar is hairline. I could not be more pleased and am very thankful that Dr. Bakker was available to fix me up!

March 8, 2021

Jean H.

I had knee replacement surgery on February 18, 2021. My surgery was delayed twice but I finally got to have my procedure done at TCO Blaine! Dr. Arntson has a very professional team. TCO Blaine was a great option too. They do the surgery and then they take you upstairs to your own room. It was beautiful and nicer than some hotels I have stayed at. The nursing staff was top notch and very professional. They were also very friendly, warm, and caring. The physical therapists were very knowledgeable and helpful. I had no problems with my surgery and recovery. I would highly recommend TCO and Dr. Arntson to anyone who needs orthopedic surgery!

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As the largest orthopedic physician group in the Midwest, and one of the largest in the country, you are sure to find a clinic that best meets your needs.

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